Patna Bihar SHG meeting Report 4th Sept 2016

Hello Everyone, This Sunday we had a meeting in children’s park at 4.30pm. We were three members- Suraj, Rishikesh and Me. The meeting started with the formal talks with me and Rishikesh. Rishikesh has a severe stuttering so he were facing lots of problems with this speech. Rishikesh and me discussing lots of matters like […]

Patna Bihar SHG Meeting Report 3 April

Hello, Our Patna SHG team is growing and it is enhancing with the consistent and members efforts. We gathered at children’s park at 4pm as per scheduled.  There were total 6 members- Krishna, Suraj, Prashant, Ranjan (New member, Prashant’s cousin), Amol (New member), Me. The activities which we performed are as follows- 1. Firstly we […]

Patna Bihar SHG Report 23 Aug 2015

Hello Guys.. The weather was so wonderful that we were excited for our next meeting. We gathered as per the schedule at kumhrar park right at 3.30 pm. Total Attendees– Suraj, Krishna and Mohit We began our meeting with a sip of cold-drinks bought by suraj. We started with a normal chit-chat and then we shared […]