Mumbai SHG – SAVE THE DATE – May 4 (Sunday), 1:30 – 4 pm

Hey everyone! 

Meeting Theme: I can’t…R.I.P
Do you ever think you can’t do something? 
                       Well….it’s time to say….I CAN DO IT!
                                                                                               Rest in Peace I can’t 
Learning Session: Five ways to relax instantly anywhere
Prepared Speeches by: 
Kaushal Kanojia
Jugal H
Gaurav Dubey

Extempore Facilitator: Srinivas 
SHG Meeting Details: 
Date: Sunday May 4 – Save the date for the SHG meeting 
Time: 1:30 – 4:00 pm (Please be on time, we will end by 4 pm)
Location: YMCA Ghatkopar (E)
This week’s Meeting Manager is Aditya Yadav, 9820119835. He will email the meeting agenda by Friday once speech titles are received. To join our email list, please email Gaurav at 
Quote of the week: “The only place where your dream becomes impossible is in your own thinking.” – Robert Schuller
Mumbai SHG Google Plus Page – If you cannot see your video, please email Gaurav (

Post Author: Dhruv Gupta