Cubbon Park, Bangalore
Just coming to Cubbon Park every Sunday morning and breathing the fresh air has its own charm. Greenery, squirrels, pet dogs, park dogs, families, old people, young couple, artists, models, photographers, runners, what not.
Participants: Amarnath, Dinesh, Bharat, Sambhram, Shobhit, Suvadip (myself)
Today we had gathered under the big hut around 10:30AM. A new member, Sambhram joined us, who shared some techniques with us that he designed himself and practiced for long to overcome stuttering, and it helped him to a great extent.
We started with introduction round and spoke about how we all came to know about TISA, what made us come here and how lucky we all feel to be a part of this organization.
Being an early adopter of TISA SHG, Dinesh who joined here back in 2012, shared his experiences with this organization and we all discussed our personal viewpoints on stuttering, understanding the root cause and accepting it first. The breathing technique also plays a very important and basic role to cure stuttering.
Finally, we had a round of extempore speech and with this the meeting concluded.
Every Sunday we all get to meet and stutter freely with at least 4-5 new people. Not bad, though. Huh?
PS. Suvadip has come all the way from Mysore just to attend the SHG and see how Bangalore SHG functions. Presence of Dinesh must have realized him how easy and difficult it is, at the same time, to start the shg and keep it funcitonal. Let’s wish Mysore SHG all the very best.
Please contact Shobhit(9990449976) for attending Bangalore SHG.