Mumbai SHG Meeting Summary – 13/08/2017

Theme Of Meeting: If I was Prime Minister….

Time: 2.30 PM to 6.30 PM (Meeting got extended 🙂 )

Venue: YMCA Ghatkopar, Pant Nagar, Mumbai

Meeting Manager: Dhruv

Total members present:08+01(Abhinav from Pune, who has come specially to attend Mumbai SHG)

Group Selfie


Agenda Of meeting



Meeting started at around 2.35 PM with general discussion. For better understanding, we paired up among, had the conversation with a respective partner. Then we introduced our partner to other.

This activity helps to be a better listener as it makes you listen to your partner carefully so that you could be able to introduce him/her in front of all.


Extempore Session :

Everyone has to speak on “If was Prime Minister for one day…”… so guys you are free to decide your next PM..:P..listen to their speech: Abhinav, Bhavana,Dhruv,Girish,Kavish,Sandesh,Saurabh,Vishal

(Jayesh came after the extempore session)


Johari Window: 

A model for self-awareness, personal development

Johari Window 4 region :

Public Self: what is known by the person about him/herself and is also known by others

Blind self: what is unknown by the person about him/herself but which others know

Hidden self: that the person knows about him/herself that others do not know

Unknown self: what is unknown by the person about him/herself and is also unknown by others

During Johari Window
Bhavana’s Johari Window

This activity makes everyone to think about themselves.  Also, we help each other to know their blind side and unknown self.


Fun Activity : (Guess Game)

This was really a super fun.

Our meeting manager Dhruv was having some chits on which an object, living thing, non-living thing anything could have been written like the fan, ball, mobile, rabbit, etc. In which we ask one player to go out for few seconds while remaining players togetherly choose one chit from given chits. Now escorted player has to guess that thing by asking only “Yes/NO” type questions using prolongation technique. If he/she failed to use the technique,he/she will not get the answer to that question..:P… The player who will guess thing by asking least number of question will be the winner.

Guess Game… Kavish’s question.. making us to think.. :)..  😛
Guess game-Kavish asking questions

I (Bhavana) won guess game by asking only 5 questions yaaaayyyyyy…  😛

Highest questions asked were 17.. 😛


Prolongation Technique :

We had healthy discussion over prolonagation technique. Some points are as below : (Source Apana Hath Jaganth)

  • Effortless stammering is less tiring and less distracting to listener
  • one should start to apply prolongation on easy words first
  • prolong on difficult words only after 2-3 months practice
  • practice alone for few days,when comfortable do it with friends or in SHG
  • read news paper or story book ,prolonged on every 2nd or 3rd word.
  • stammer like a child no fear or struggle


Prepared Speech & Joke

Jayesh Foka gave his P1 and inspired many to be on stage next week.. 🙂

Joke By Jayesh… 😛


TISA’s Sonu : <3

Sonu song is getting viral nowadays… So now even TISA got his Sonu song (Credit : Vishal yeole – Pune)

Stammering TISA Song





Post Author: Bhavana

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