How would it be if you had an assistant who reminds you and ensures you complete a task? How would it be if a coach is always with you virtually ensuring you do your exercises regularly? Yes, not a joke. Now you can choose a buddy from the SHG who will ensure you will complete all your tasks on time, ensures you come to weekly SHG meetup regularly and be your good friend. You can have a listening ears who will maintain it as a secret. Sharing by caring.
This is a buddy Program proposed within a SHG where one chooses another SHG person as his buddy and with mutual agreement they become each other’s buddies. Rules of being a buddy are below.
- When you choose a buddy, share a written document on what and all he would need support from his buddy. It can contain things like I will do Yoga everyday, I will do meditation everyday at a specific time etc., The buddy has to ensure you do all those on time every-time. The same holds good to him as well taking care of his buddy.
- Ensure your buddy actively takes part on Skype / Google hangout calls every week.
- Buddy agreement expires every month on 15th. A new buddy should be taken again. This will ensure you interact with many people and develop good relationship.
- The old buddy can share the drawbacks, problems that he faced with his buddy to the new buddy while handing over if there are any.
- You have the freedom to choose your buddy. If your chosen person is already booked by another person, dont worry, next month you can pre-book your buddy. You can also book a buddy for next month in advance, so that you get the right person whom you like.
- This activity has been validated and tested in Bangalore SHG and works very well. Your personal growth and your buddy’s personal growth is guaranteed if this is taken seriously and followed with faith.
All the best in finding your buddy and starting a new journey.
Note: This new system is being adopted in Bangalore SHG. Other SHGs are welcome to adopt it for their own personal growth