पत्रिका न्यजपेपर – विदेशी यात्रियों का मौन . . .

आज 13 अक्टूबर, 2013 के पत्रिका न्यूजपेपर पर मेरा एक संस्मरण प्रकाशित हुआ है। ‘‘विदेशी यात्रियों का मौन’’ शीर्षक से प्रकाशित इस संस्मरण में इस बात की चर्चा की गई है कि मितभाषी होना क्यों जरूरी है? पश्चिमी देशों के लोगों से हम क्या अच्छी बातें सीख सकते हैं? और अधिक जानने के लिए इस लिंक पर जाएं।- अमित 09300939758


Post Author: Harish Usgaonker

4 thoughts on “पत्रिका न्यजपेपर – विदेशी यात्रियों का मौन . . .


    (October 13, 2013 - 8:29 am)

    Dear Amit- this was a very clever observation. Very deep. We Indians, especially PWS, are so fond of speaking that we become indifferent to other people's needs. Sometime, the thought and creativity gets murdered in the barrage of words..but do we care?


    (October 14, 2013 - 4:47 am)

    very nice amit ji, but we are more lucky than ur news paper reader because u posted this one tisa blog much before publishing in new paper 🙂


    (October 14, 2013 - 5:36 am)

    Very right Amit Ji.I share my personal experience.
    I prefer taking early morning walk quitely connecting to nature. But in our park there are three four groups of people who discuss politics loudly while walking at 5 am and pollute the atmosphere. I feel quite disturbed and always avoid them. They are quite elderly people and seem educated too. Can someone suggest a way out?

    Vijay Kumar

    (October 17, 2013 - 5:26 am)

    yes Amit i agree . maun sarvottam bhashan hai

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