Opening on the very first day in college…

Hey everyone yesterday was my mba college orientatiton program. So apna ek experience share kra tha so I was feeling very nervous ki bs introduction na ho plz plz but hua vhi. Around 80 90 people were there in the classroom including 4 teachers and only i was the one who stammers or ek baat […]

Delhi SHG Meeting on 14th Aug

Hello Every one I am Shailender Delhi SHG meeting was held in One Internet (Connaught Place). This is the special meeting as this time first time we organize combined activity with two SHG’s Hyderabad SHG’s and Pune SHG’s. In which our all members talk to Pune SHG’s and Hyderabad SHG’s members to practice of calling. […]

Role plays

Role plays can be lot of fun and they are a very HOLISTIC approach to learning communication, whether you stammer or not.. Role plays come nearest to natural demands of communication- unlike “slow reading” or “presentations”. They dont require always script- just a situation. In the above role play, Dehradun SHG was given a situation: […]

Stock taking: How does SHG help?

For many new comers, it is difficult to believe that a group of pws – with no therapist – can help a pws. How? It is good to ask these questions and try and get to the bottom. The secret is: SHG creates an atmosphere where certain attitudinal changes can happen. “Can happen” – yes […]

What works and What doesn’t

Trying to not stammer almost always never works. That’s because it involves using force and pressure on ourselves. Thus the exact opposite what is needed. When we choose to approach our stammering with compassion, non-judgement and experimentation, we give ourselves a chance to really understand how we and our stammering works. Try it . It […]

Stuttering wisdom

I have read a little bit of philosophy. It is helpful. It offers useful ways of looking at life and our place in it. Buddha is supposed to have been quiet on the matter of God. He neither affirmed the idea nor debated it. He seems to have side-stepped many such questions and gone straight […]

Delhi SHG Meeting on 7th Aug

Written by our most regular SHG member: Anshul Saini Delhi SHG meeting was held in Natya Ballet Centre. This meeting was hosted by our most confident PWS Mr. Sunoy who was totally prepared for meeting. Rahul Yadav was Co-host and Vikas Ranga was General Evaluator of this meeting. Meeting attended by 9 PWS whose names […]

हकलाहट बनाम विकलांगता (Stammering V/s Disability)

हकलाहट से संघर्ष के दौरान अक्सर मैं सोचता और कहता था- मेरी हकलाहट से विकलांगता की तरह है। मुझे भी विकलांगों की तरह तमाम परेशानियों का सामना करना पड़ता है। कई लोगों ने सुझाव दिया- तुम विकलांगता का सर्टिफिकेट क्यों नहीं बनवा लेते? तुमने अभी तक विलांगता का प्रमाण पत्र बनवाया या नहीं? इस तरह […]

A Big Fall “OH MY GOD”

One week back….I was in  big FALL and when I say fall, you can easily understand – fall in terms of my speech as I am a person who stammer or stutter. But this time Fall was weird but at the same time amazing due its effects and affects. Since we know stammering fluctuates as […]

People Who Buffer – A Unique Experiment!

Theatrical Stories by Stammerers  Saturday, June 25th and Sunday, June 26th 6 – 8 pm Sudarshan Hall, Pune If you stammer, you should bring your circle of influence or ‘the circle that influences you’ to this show! Family, friends, colleagues, boss…It will help them get a good understanding of what is stammering, why it happens, […]

Pickled PPeppers – A Short Film Featuring TISA

  It is estimated that 11 to 12 million people in India stammer. Stammering is a physiological disorder.However, as there is a shortage of good speech therapists in India, speech therapy is highly expensive, and the government of India does not officially recognise the condition as a handicap.TISA or the Indian stammering association offers free […]

For Parents and Children

This resource is for parents or siblings who have a child who stammers. As of now, there is not very much by way of therapy which could be given to a child DIRECTLY. But don’t panic. You can still do a LOT- and the child may have a complete recovery too. Chances of recovery is […]

Advantages of a Self Help Group

Meeting other stammerers. Encouragement from other stammerers. Knowing you are not alone. Hearing of other therapies and seeing them in use. Talking about your therapy and practicing it. Generally exchanging ideas. Being able to address several people, up to the whole group. Gaining more confidence in speaking and social situations. Having people to practice with […]

The TISA Story

This is a very brief description of events leading up to The Indian Stammering Association (TISA). The TISA Story… Who is Keith Boss? In his own words: “I am Keith Boss, a UK citizen. I have stuttered for 60 plus years. In February 2006 I decided to make changes in my life. I am now […]