Bangalore SHG meeting Report(27-Mar-2016)

The meeting which was scheduled to start at 10 AM but as it is in our genes, we started at 10.15 a.m .There was a good turnout of people. The strength was about around 14- 15.  The meeting started with the extempore session . I was the table topic master. People were to speak on […]

TISA Hyderabad Chapter meeting on 27th March 2016

Hello Friends, You are welcome to THE INDIAN STAMMERING ASSOCIATION Self Help Group meetings.These meetings will make you know what stammering is about and how we can control our speech patterns in day to day life.Here We Stammer at Ease.It is proved that if we stammer with easiness then stammering can be dissolved from speech.We […]

News happened in TISA Hyderabad chapter on 20th March, 2016

Meeting report by Ramu, We are 11 members for the meetup. Our main agenda was Voluntary Stuttering in a shopping mall.     We had 3 more new faces VAMSI,SHIVA SAI,NITHISH in the meeting. Along with them RAJESH,CHINNI NAIK,GANESH,BHASKAR, RAMU,RAMMOHAN were also joined.    A brief explanation about the causes of stammering, myths of stammering, how can […]

Delhi SHG meeting report of 20th March ( in hindi )

नमस्कार सबका, मै विशाल गुप्ता, दिल्ली स्वयं सहायता समूह का सदस्य,  इस बार हम १२ सदस्य थे मीटिंग में, हमने सेंट्रल पार्क दिल्ली में  अपनी मीटिंग करी, जैसे की अब गर्मी आ चुकी है लेकिन फिर भी हमने एक छावनी वाली जगह चुनी और अपनी मीटिंग को शुरू किया. इस बार हमारे  सह-होस्ट  दक्ष कपूर […]

Bangalore SHG Meeting:March 20th, 2016

It was yet another sunny Sunday morning at Cubbon Park… Dinesh Sir as usual arrived well before 10 a.m, was waiting for everyone to join. In the mean time until our delegates arrived the early birds gathered close to the small hut over the damp grass and had a reading session of the book “The […]

अभी तो मैं चलना सीख रहा हूं।

पिछला सप्ताह मेरे लिए बहुत व्यस्त और चुनौतीपूर्ण रहा। 3 दिन लगातार ट्रेनिंग प्रोग्राम आयोजित करवाने की जिम्मेदारी मेरी थी। यह ट्रेनिंग विशेष आवश्यकता वाले बच्चों के अभिभावकों के लिए थी। ऐसे अभिभावक जो बहुत गरीब है, मजदूर हैं, गांवों में रहते हैं, जिनके पास रोजी-रोटी का एक ही साधन है, खेतों पर काम करना। […]

Mumbai SHG Meet 20 th March 2016

  p { margin-bottom: 0.25cm; line-height: 120%; } I was witnessing number of attendants of shg meeting falling down, it mad me worried about mumbai shg meetings. So i decided to go for a meeting myself and to understand why number of attendants were falling down. On 13th march sunday i went to our regular […]

Beep Beep : Important for Blog writers

Hello everyone, as lot of new members are writing amazing stories and lot of nice articles and experiences here which is really nice but we must follow one small thing by which we can keep our long post in a read-more way i.e. there is a tool available in the top side of text editor […]

Delhi SHG Meeting Report of 13th March

This week Shg meeting was grand success. The best part was that nobody was in hurry and gave their full participation to the last minute. Meeting was hosted by one of the most jovial member of our group- Amit dixit, assisted by Devapreeta.  There were many fun activities introduced by our host. First round was introduction round where […]

A Therapy Called “Courage”

Zubin delivering a speech in one of the Goa SHG meets Zubin is a young PWS from Goa, works in Chennai. Though he is not in Goa, he makes it a point to stay in touch with the Goa SHG through the electronic means. He inspires everyone with his courage. I would like to share […]

News@ Hyderabad chapter on 13-03-2016:    Meeting held at Jalagam Vengal  rao park. We were 12 people, Chinni naik, Eshwar, Ramu, Surya, Narasimha, Ramchander, Hanmanth Reddy, Arjun Singh, Sandeep, Shiva Reddy, Asif, Rammohan for today’s meet up.                  We started the meeting with a inquiry activity where each […]

Delhi SHG Meeting at Central Park on 13th March

Delhi SHG Meeting #2016 Host : Amit & DevapreetaDate : 13th March Timing : 11:30 am (Sharp)Venue : Cental Park, Infront of Rajiv Chowk Metro station gate no 6 for any query call me @  9654176670(amit dixit) or mail me at Note : There is no fees for joining meeting so feel free to […]

Invitation for Tisa Hyderabad Chapter Meeting on 13 March Hello Friends, You are welcome to THE INDIAN STAMMERING ASSOCIATION Self Help Group meetings.These meetings will make you know what stammering is about and how we can control our speech patterns in day to day life.Here We Stammer at Ease.It is proved that if we stammer […]

News@ Hyderabad chapter on 06-03-2016    We were around 12 people this time.We got two more new faces, Sandeep and Makesh in the group. We enquired new people about their stammering history,cause and experiences,after giving a short and brief introduction about TISA for the sake of new people and then we went for introduction round. […]

Best use of my time?

Today, Dayal, a young friend, came over to Herbertpur and we went for some khana peena at -mind you- Divine Restaurant! Yes, that is the name of this nice little eating place near my home. Just opened up. He asked me: Should I continue my one hour practice? He was talking about his one hour […]