Delhi SHG Meeting at Central park on 6th Dec

All Delhi NCR members are invited  Venue : Central Park, Infront of Rajiv Chowk Metro station gate no 6. Timing : 11 am to 1 am Host : Vishal Gupta Expected Members : 12  Agenda : Telephonic Round and Stranger talk for any query contact Vishal @8447490753

Banana cut cut cut in Bangalore !!!

The Crew: Jonali,Soma,Anita,Sharath,Hari,Sudhanshu,Teja,Nishil,Mohit Anita was the first to reach the venue and welcomed rest of the group as they came by. We started off with the introduction round. The bread and butter of each person who has to do this in front of any stranger in daily life. Next was the extempore , 2 minutes […]

Congrats Mansi!!….oops Dr. Mansi

I met with Mansi around 9 months before. We were in the same hostel even in the same floor in IISc, but didn’t know each other (fate of Ph.D students, busy all time in lab only). After that, we connected through TISA and became friends, shared our feelings about stammering, talked a lot with each […]

Mumbai Workshop (Peer Counseling, Group facilitation)

Resources used: Peer counseling Presentation; Group facilitation skills; Broken squares Online resources for further reading on facilitation skills (link 1, link 2) Sunday (the last day): Jugal, Dhruv and myself- we tried our hands at shooting some funny videos, using soft toys – and then, some serious discussion on stammering: its nature, way forward and is […]

Delhi SHG Meeting 29th November at Central Park

Everyone is invited for next Delhi SHG meet at Central Park, Connaught place (Infront of Rajiv Chowk Metro station gate no 6 ). Meeting will start sharply at 11 am. Date: 29th Nov 2015Time: 11 am – 2pmVenue: Central Park (Near Flag), Connaught Place (CP), New Delhi Host: Dhruv Arora (9999642189)Co-Host: Daksh Kapoor (8376949397) Agenda:1. […]

Jaipur SHG meeting report 22/11/2015

हैलो दोस्तों! हर बार की तरह सेल्फ हेल्प की प्रेरणा लिये जयपुर SHG समुह रविवार को 2pm पर सेन्ट्रल पार्क, जयपुर पहुंचा। हम सब एक-एक करके मीटिंग की प्रस्तावित जगह पर पहुंचे। सबसे पहले चन्द्रप्रकाश, उसके बाद मैं, फिर सौम्या और अंत में रवि कान्त जी पहुंचे। पवन मीणा जी, जो की अजमेर से जयपुर […]

Share your gift..

Hey Gals and Guys, I am working with Andrila, who made this video.. I got all the answers wrong! I would love to hear from anyone of you who can pass this quiz. If you do, please leave a comment here.. or there..! You will get your reward in the next NC.. BTW, I just […]

Acceptance and courage

Its been almost 2.5 years since I came across the concept of acceptance. So I wonder what has changed in between.            Before coming across TISA, I used to practice slow speech/prolongation. I learnt it from one of the “cure” speech therapists. I observed that I spoke well with my friends […]

Skype version

Skype call heads up, Since longtime we have Skype call going on and here people were practicing speech. We are doing number of activities on call. Like, 1. Introduction 2. Paragraph reading3. Group discussion4. Interview round5. Table topicsand may more activities. If anyone like to join the call and talk with other PWS members then please […]

TISA Hyderabad Chapter meeting on 22-11-2015

Hello Friends, You are welcome to THE INDIAN STAMMERING ASSOCIATION Self Help Group meetings.These meetings will make you know what stammering is about and how we can control our speech patterns in day to day life.Here We Stammer at Ease.It is proved that if we stammer with easiness then stammering can be dissolved from speech.We […]

Su Su Sudhi Vathmeekam

Update: Read more about it- How it was conceived.. With “The King’s Speech”, stammering was portrayed to the world not as a “comedy” but through the eyes of a PWS- that even a “King” faced challenges dealing with this mysterious speech condition. And now it’s yet another film, this time from our own regional film industry. […]

Jaipur SHG Meeting Invitation 22-11-2015

Jaipur SHG invites all PWS of jaipur city. Attendance expected: Ravi Kant sharma (Coordinator), Chandarprakash, Soumya and me! Venue = Central Park(Gate No.3),Jaipur 2pm to 5pm Thank You! Contact Us: Ravi Kant Sharma  – 9461257111 Anurag Tetarwal – 7568377078 TISA – Jaipur Self Help Group

Facilitators Workshop in Mumbai: 27-28 Nov

Dear Friends – Helped by SPEAK, TISA is taking a step forward by organizing FIRST time a facilitation workshop. As you know- to run a Self help group, you need special skills: Facilitation and Peer counseling. So, in this workshop we will be focusing on these two skills, to ensure that participants go back as […]

Post Deepawali Ruminations

Deepawali. Next morning. I am in Vasant Vihar. Morning walk. Many retired Super bureaucrats going about, for an early walk. carrying a little shiny stick in their hand – their “Raj-dand”. Swinging it proudly and marching ahead on the road to good health and long life. Some seem to be chasing an electronic rabbit, ever […]