Hello Guys, This Sunday we were two people- Suraj and Me. We met as per the plan at danapur. The weather is awesome and so our confidence level. We had a discussion on various issues like being socializing by stammer person, how to motivate ourselves on regular intervals. We were expecting all the members in […]
Jaipur SHG Meeting Report (08/11/2015)
Today we reached at venue on time. We were three members, Soumya, Suresh Choudhary and me. As per agenda we started meeting at 1:30pm. Suresh Choudhary is a new member from Merta. Today he came from Ajmer along with a two hour journey only for SHG meeting. Me and Soumya heartily welcomed him. After the […]
Jaipur SHG meeting invitation on Sunday (08/11/2015)
Bouncing Day! Hello everyone!! This time we decided to celebrate every Sunday based on a speech technique. So next Sunday will be celebrated as “Bouncing Day”. I think this is funny but stammering is also funny. Bouncing takes away the pressure to say a word, perfectly in one go. It also help us to […]
Patna Bihar SHG Meeting Invitation for 8 Nov
We the Patna SHG team Inviting for the next Self Help Group Meeting to be held at Danapur. We will have lots of talk, sharing of techniques, Cracking jokes and above all enjoy our freedom with the way we want to be. Expected Agenda– 1. Talking with techniques2. GD Round3. Voice/ Video Recording4. Meditation5. Laughing […]
5th TISA National Conference Expesnses and Fund Detail
Final Account Funds Received Registration Amount 149900 TISA Fund from NC 2014 by Virendra Shirse 26554 Donation 12670 Accommodation 23728 Others 8960 Total fund received 221812 Expenses Heads Conference Hall 52839 Lunch & Snacks 63077 For AHJ translation & editing to Amit K 10000 Accommodation 27411 Stationary 30550 Refund 18878 Others 4130 Total Expenses 206885 […]
Pune SHG
We had a Pune SHG meeting after a long break. We had 10 PWS joined at University campus. It was amazing experience to meet 10 PWS with diverse background. Thank You.
Patna SHG Meeting Report 1 Nov 2015
Hello Everyone, This Sunday we had a blasting meeting ever. We were total have five members- Suraj, Krishna, Amitabh, Me and our new guy Alok. We arrived and met at danapur which is a home ground to Suraj and Amitabh at around 4. We welcomed alok and talked about him and consequently he shared his experience […]
Skype calls update
Hi all, These days Vikas and Abhishek took the command on skype calls. And they are doing very well !! almost 6-7 members join daily Skype calls. And they were performed many actives time to time. Introduction (Which is the main part of every person who is working or in college) Passage reading Table topics […]
5th TISA National Conference Brief
Written by Dipesh Agarwal ( FROM DELHI SHG ) 1st day 9th October It was a nice sunny day […]
Let’s also raise our voice against illogical myths about stammering. SHG Meeting on Sunday i.e. on 1st November Venue: Central Park Timing: Evening 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM Everyone is welcome to join. Agenda of meeting: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Agenda would be disclosed in […]
Delh SHG meeting 1st November, at Central Park, Rajiv Chowk
Invitation for DELHI SHG weekly Meeting Time : 11 am(Sharp) Venue : Central Park, in-front of Rajiv Chowk Gate no -6. Confirmed Members : 10 Expected Members : 15 Host : Dixit Arora Agenda will be disclose during Meeting.
SHG – Jaipur Meeting Report – 25th Oct’15
The meeting was held at our regular venue of Jaipur Central Park from 2-5 PM. It was attended by two members from Jaipur SHG, me and Chandra Prakash Goyal. We reached at 2 PM sharp and called a couple of other members who expressed their failure to attend the meeting. We were a bit low […]
ISAD, 2015, I took interview of my company HR to spread awareness in different manner
I did wonderful job for isad 2015, I decided to take Interview of my company HR and I took interview of him for 5 minutes it was a cool conversion soon I shall share the recording in stammerfreely podcast. So the conversation contains following things 1. I asked about stuttering 2. I asked about his […]
Friends care…
While attending the national conference at Delhi, we had an activity where we needed to call a person and tell him/her why we went to NC. I called up a friend of 8 years and first enquired about him. He is on leave from his office for the past 40 days […]
ISAD at Marine Drive Mumbai
Hi friends We have International Stuttering Awareness Day on 22nd Oct. I’m in Mumbai right now so decided to do a small survey on ISAD. Here are some of the videos… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qh609UHzkn4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1KilaHiJMUw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QIlPO8xLonM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=024gPSYwQMY&feature=youtu.be Ravi Kant Sharma (PWS) +91-9461257111
Must Read : सही सुनने से बदल सकता है जीवन।
19 अक्टूबर, 2015 के दैनिक भास्कर न्यूजपेपर में एक लेख प्रकाशित हुआ है। लेख का शीर्षक है – सही सुनने से बदल सकता है जीवन। सच में सही तरीके से और धैर्य से सुनना हमारे लिए बहुत जरूरी है। सुनना हमारे संचार के लिए तो जरूरी है ही यह हमारी जीवन की प्रगति के द्वार […]
Jaipur SHG Meeting Invitation 18/10/2015
Jaipur SHG members are very exciting after their first National Conference in Delhi. So we are inviting all PWS in our next meeting on Sunday. The agenda of meeting is as following: 1. Introduction. 2. National conference experience sharing & discussion. 3. Open Discussion on stammering 4. Acceptance and awareness session 5. Speech therapy techniques […]
Yet Another Patna Bihar SHG meeting invitation 18 Oct
Patna Bihar SHG Team inviting the stammer for the next SHG meeting to be held on Patna. Self-help meeting is the best platform that gives you a wonderful way to express your thoughts and feelings. Following are the benefit of SHG Meetings- Encouragement from other stammerers; Knowing you are not alone; Talking about various therapy and practicing […]
A speechless open Mic talk by Rahul from Jharkhand “Funny, Honest, Confident …..”
My reminiscences of NC 2015
Having missed last year’s NC, I was very excited to meet fellow PWSs from across our country. I reached at 10.30 am ON 9TH OCT, almost 1.5 hrs late. Immediately I felt at home amongst so many people like me. I found that about 95% of the crowd was younger than me, and I realized […]