Patna Bihar SHG Report 11 Oct 2015

Welcome folks for the Meeting Report happened this Sunday.. We were two members – Me and Suraj. The meeting was not other than usual meetings.  We met at Gandhi Maidan and discussed on many topics such as present Bihar election, past life experiences and so on. As Suraj is a humorous person so he keep […]

Patna Bihar SHG Report 04 Oct 2015

Hello my stammer friends, The meeting was as per the plan and we met at gandhi maidan around 4.30. Suraj is waiting from half and hour that show his passion for the meeting.  We met and talk about our life and had a conversation on many topics. Finally when Krishna arrived, our meeting started with […]

What Can I do?

Dear Friends, We are just a week away from our 5th National Conference! And what a journey it has been… from Bhubaneshwar to Delhi. Today also happens to be the day I joined TISA… a day which I celebrate as my second birthday, as I have often shared during past National Conferences. (The story goes […]

Pink city Jaipur SHG meeting invitation

“””तीसा की सोच है कि हकलाहट का भले क्योर न हो, मगर समाधान है और वह स्वयं सहायता में छिपा है। अगर आप किसी ऐसे समूह में जाएं तो पहली बात जो बिजली की तरह मन में कौंधती है – मैं अकेला नहीं हूूँ ! ये सब लोग भी हकलाते हैं! इन्होंने कक्षा में रोल […]

पिंक सिटी जयपुर SHG मीटिंग रिपोर्ट 27/09/2015

यह रविवार भी एक सा-सा-साधारण दिन की तरह था। रविवार को मैं सुबह ही बाहर निकल जाता हूँ क्योंकि कुछ जरूरी कार्य रविवार को ही होते हैं। यह आपको कुछ अजीब लगेगा लेकिन मैं केवल र-रविवार को ही व्यस्त रहता हूँ।मैं 3 बजकर 30 मिनट पर सेंट्रल पार्क, जयपुर पहुंचा। रस्ते मैं मुझे जयपुर SHG […]

हाँ मैंने जिंदगी जीना सीख लिया है….

दोस्तों बात आज के करीब डेढ़ साल पहले की है। जब मैं हकलाहट की स्वीकार्यता के बारे में नहीं जानता था। उस समय हकलाहट मेरे जीवन की सबसे बड़ी बाधा थी। मैं हमेशा अपने आप को दुखी महसूस करता है। ना ही ज्यादा लोगो से बात करता था और दिन भर बस घुटता रहता था। […]

पिता को चाहिए आपका प्यार!

अब घर बहुत सूना सा लगता है। पापा के रूम में जाने का मन नहीं करता। उनके बिस्तर, तकिया, कपड़े और हर छोटे-बड़े सामान को बार-बार छूने और सीने से लगाने की कोशिश करता हूं। पापा का चेहरा बार-बार आंखों के सामने आता हैं। उनकी कहीं गई बातों को यादकर बार-बार मन दुःखी हो उठता […]

SHG 20th September Meet in Bangalore This is my second meeting with the SHG folks in Bangalore.  When you meet the people from SHG you invariably have the thought like “yeh log to mere jaise hai” (They are like me), and you find yourself settling into some kind of ease and the bond with the […]

Psychological First Aid

Dear Friends I just finished a very useful online free course: Psychological First Aid (PFA). Though this course discusses these skills in the context of natural disasters, I and you know that when a block hits us- it feels as if we were hit by Hurricane Katrina! The psychological principles discussed in the course can […]

Pink city Jaipur SHG meeting invitation

मुझे तो हर रविवार का बेसब्री से इंतजार रहता है और आपको ??? यदि आपका जवाब हाँ है तो आईये करते हैं अगली मुलाकात …… जी हाँ ! मैं बात कर रहा हूँ अगली SHG meeting के बारे में, जो 27 sept को Central park (gate no. 3), Jaipur में होने  वाली है। SHG( स्वयं […]

Patna Bihar SHG Report 20 Sept 2015

Welcome Guys, As per the schedule we reached at Eco park at sharp 3.30pm. We were only two members- Me and Krishna. Meeting started with a Introduction round where we discussed about our weekend’s experiences. Krishna and me had shared some moments that helps us to get busy in our life like Krishna is buying a […]

Jaipur SHG meeting report 20 sept 2015

मैं नहीं हकला रहा हूँ , मैं क्यों नहीं हकला रहा हूँ???? ये मेरे साथ तब हुआ जब मैं पार्क मैं  कुछ लोगों को TISA के बारे मैं बता रहा था।  मुझे नहीं पता चला ऐसा मेरे साथ क्यों हो रहा है लेकिन पार्क से बाहर आने के बाद सब कुछ सामान्य हो गया….. वही […]

Patna Bihar SHG Meeting Invitation 20 Sept 2015

Patna Bihar SHG Team inviting the stammer for the next SHG meeting to be held on Patna.  Love, Happiness, Fun, are all makes life wonderful and if some Purpose adds to it, then make Life beautiful and Meaningful. So Join the SHG and start loving your Life with the laughter, Enjoyment and Improvements. The Venue […]

New blood, new ideas in Shg Blore ……

The Crew: Avnish, Mansi, Sharath, Kavish, Manjunath, Praveen, Teja, Rishikesh, Hari, Nishil. We met near cubbon park at our usual time, Teja and praveen reached the venue early and welcomed the rest of us, the  group started buzzing in full swing by 10.30 AM, The first round was the introduction round, as we had three […]

Jaipur SHG Meeting invitation, 20 Sep 2015

After some fruitful meetings (on 6 Sep & 13 Sep 2015) Jaipur SHG invites stammers who want to improve yourself and surroundings around their… SHG is a platform that gives us a freedom to express our feelings,thoughts and expressions. This freedom gives us a chance to solve our problems related with stammering. Many of us […]

A New Journey Begins…

Dosto 2014 k dec last weak main bhut depression me tha stammering ko le k main  rota tha apni wife k saamne ki mujhe stammering h ab sab kuch bekar ho gya h bechari meri wife mujhe chup karati thi 31first dec ko main delhi k speech therapist  k paas gya unhone mujhe bola aap 1 […]

Would I ever get a job…???

Hello friends It’s being a long time since I wrote any post. The reason being I shifted to Mumbai. This post is basically regarding my getting job. So the story begins from 2012 when I graduated in July. I could not got any placements and with my stuttering I was thinking that getting a job […]

Patna Bihar SHG Meeting Report 13 Sept 2015

Warmly welcome to our SHG meeting, I can say this meeting was all about learning, laughing and improvement. We enjoyed a lot and laughed a lot. We were on right on time at 4pm. We gathered at the barik ground, Danapur, where Suraj and Amitabh was waiting for Krishna and me. Our meeting started with an […]

हि – हि – हिंदी दिवस !

दोस्तों – हिंदी में लिखना इतना मुश्किल भी नहीं है – ये मैंने तब महसूस किया जब एक बार “अपना हाथ जगन्नाथ” का अनुवाद शुरू कर दिया ! और आज ये पूरा भी हो गया, ठीक हिंदी दिवस (१४ सितम्बर २०१५) के मौके पर! आप सभी जो हिंदी हिंदी की रट लगाये रखते थे, उन […]

MUMBAI SHG meeting report : 13th Sept , 2015

Hello Everyone, The 92nd Mumbai SHG meeting was attended by 6 people…Before starting the meeting officially we were discussing/sharing things of last week and were having general discussions…After 10-15 minutes the meeting was officially started… 1-INTRODUCTION Introduction was kept strictly on 4 things….1) Name 2) Regrets You Had In the Past 3) Bucket Lists 4) […]