Theme Of Meeting: Save Environment
Total members present:06
Meeting Manager: Bhavana
The meeting starts with a free discussion in general. We introduced ourself. Nikhil gives guidelines regarding ground rules of SHG.
Extempore session:
Our Theme was Save environment, the environment is the thing to feel, to see so we decided to try different. Bhavana bought some images over Environment so rather than giving clear cut topic name, everyone made to think of an image and give impromptu.
Below attaching image and impromptu
Prepared Speech:
We were having 3 prepared speech this time as below,
Dhruv -P3
Prasad -P3
Nikhil -P1
Joke Master:
Nikhil was our joke master on Sunday.. have a look..
Survey Practice:
Mumbai SHG has planned to take the survey in R-city Mall. Before surveying others in the real world, we practiced among other. As it’s always better to prepare yourself.
Questions are as below:
१. हकलाने के बारे में आप क्या सोचते है ? इसकी क्या वजह हो सकती है ?
What do you think about stammering? What could be the reason?
२. अगर आप का अपना बच्चा हकलाता हो तो आप क्या करेंगे?
What would you do, if your child stammers?
३. आपके ख्याल से हकलाने वालो को क्या करना चाहिए?
What do you think stutterers should do to help themselves?
४. क्या आपने किसी हकलाने वाले को देखा है? जब वे हकलाते है तो आपको कैसा लगता है? क्यों?
When someone stammers, how do you feel? Why?
५. क्या हकलाने वालो को शादी ब्याह, बच्चे आदि करने चाहिए? क्यों?
Should stutterers marry? Have children? why?
६. अगर आप का कोई बिज़नेस हो तो क्या आप उसमे हकलाने वाले व्यक्ति को काम पे रखना चाहेंगे? क्यों?
If you have a business, would you like to hire people who stammer? Why?
७. कभी कभी हकलाने पर लोग हँसते क्यों हैं- जब कि मिर्गी के दौरे पर कोई नहीं हँसता? क्या ख्याल है आपका ? क्या ऐसा कभी आपने किया? People don’t laugh about an epileptic attack- but smile when someone stammers. Why? Have you ever done this?
८. हकलाने के बारे में आपका कोई सवाल है? Do you have a question on stammering?
९. किसी हकलाने वाले को आपने क्या किसी बड़ी पोस्ट पर देखा ? प्रधान? व्यापारी आदि? वह कैसे वहा तक पहुंचा होगा ? Have you seen a person who stammers holding a post of big responsibility?
१० इस इंटरव्यू में मै काफी हकलाया \ क्या आपको मेरी बात समझने में कोई मुश्किल हुई? कृपया अपना फीडबैक निस्संकोच दें। I stammered a few times during this interview. Did you have any problem understanding me?
After that, we discussed next meeting agenda, role booking and we left towards R-city Mall.
A survey in R-city Mall:
As it was Sunday so it was crowded. We made two groups (Group 1-Dhruv, Jayesh Group 2- Nikhil, Prashant and I), we were having few survey sheets to be filled and we begin. It was my first outdoor activity so I was hesitating a bit to approach people. But we did it. We approached few people, we get nice response and support. Take away from the survey:
1) People do listen to us, we need to dare and talk
2)There is still a lot of unawareness regarding stammering
3)It’s fun to interact with new people and it gets easy when you talk about your stammering
4)It’s not only us who get nervous…LOL.. we saw people getting more nervous…
Have fun, stammer freely… 🙂 😀
1 thought on “Mumbai SHG Meeting Summary -11/06/17”
(June 17, 2017 - 8:14 am)Wow Bhawna! All of you strengthen my faith that self help WORKS! And works very well.. Congrats and God bless!