April 22 2018 Bangalore SHG Meeting
It is Mid summer in Bangalore , but the weather was very pleasant in Cubbon park. I will unfold the events as it happened in cubbon park today.
I reached cubbon park just when the clock stroked 10.05. A 5 min delay, pramod was already waiting near the state central library.
We caught up and made our way to the big hut as the small hut was occupied by a family.
We were soon joined by Asim, Mohit, Ravi, Sudhanshu, Jonali, Keerthan, Ankit, Joshua and we began our meeting at 10.30 AM

We started with the Introduction round , we had couple new comers in the group. We shared our SHG experience,
The new comers shared their expectations and how did they come to know about the group.
Reading : What do you know about your stammering?
We read this chapter from AHJ. We discussed its message and how can we observe our behaviors better.
Impromptu Speeches:
We moved on to our next activity, Pramod volunteered first (Its always good to see when people take initiative).
2 minutes was the time given and after 2 mins the speech would be concluded.
Experience Sharing:
Since we were 10 members in the fold we split the group into 3 groups 3,3,4.
Our next activity required people to recap their earlier week and share their experiences.
Making the group into smaller pieces also allowed people to interact and get to know each other more.
Stranger Talk:
We did the stranger talk in this meeting as this was missing since a long time. We had few experienced members in
the group who guided the rest on the activity. This activity looks strange and fearful for the first time, when we perform, as
we always think of what would people think about us. This fear goes out only when we start mingling with general
crowd and face our fear.
It was already 1.20 PM by the time we finished this activity. We captured a group pic shared above and people started
to disperse. Few of us moved towards the fresh juice section and had grape juice – thanks Joshua.
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