It Hurts?

Last week, I came across this yet another website, started by one of those self-proclaimed “ex-stammerer”, who have come up with a program to get rid of stutter (it’s amazing how the species belonging to this community is growing at an alarming rate!). Everything usual about this site, but one thing worth a mention is […]

A very inspirational video

Allan Badmington sent this link to Julia (PSA) and she sent it to me.. and it is every iota worth in Gold. Must watch for everyone, whether you stammer or not- whatever is your special penchant…. whatever. This is truly amazing.

Couple of Interesting Videos…..

Here are links to couple of interesting videos. Both are short and won’t take more than 10 minutes to watch! Stuttering: A Medical Mystery (ABC News) Famous People Who Stutter

SSSstutter- a nice video

Here is a nice Video on Youtube: Also, dont forget to read the interview of the producer and the director. Very inetresting. Here are some excerpts from the interview: The reason why I think Ssstutter has struck a chord with viewers is because it speaks to something everyone can relate to. No matter where you […]

A real life video from MTV

Amid all those silly video ads where someone is trying to sell something with the help of a stuttering guy- here is a whiff of fresh air. Congratulations to MTV. Link was shared by Dr Akash Acharya. Thanks Akash! Keep looking out for such heart warming and real life specimens..

Thou shall protest!

A yahoo video ad was noticed by one of our TISA team members on Sep 22 (8.23 am). It portrayed stammering in a negative way. To use his words- it was an ad “in which stammering has been used to create fun in bad taste.”The TISA members and other IPWS promptly went into action, lodged […]

Yahoo ad in poor taste.

One of us has seen a Yahoo ad in poor taste. Hetal has supplied the address of The Advertising Standard Council of India (ASCI). We are planning to lodge a formal complaint. We need more information on this ad. If any one has seen it, please give us more details, so that we can provide […]