Good Afternoon Friends, Myself Satyam Singh from Surat Gujarat going to share my experiences during TISA’s 9th NC held at Bhopal on 27-29th September 2019. I got the chance to listen many people who also went through this social stigma (Stammering) which is ruining our ambitions and future desires and got to know about how they challenged themselves against it and got succeed in their life. Those people do stammer today also but they didn’t feel shame or guilt because they accepted themself in the way the universe created them and they are rocking the world. It was such a wonderful experience I witnessed in the presence of stammers from different states of country. It was very beautifully organised by Bhopal NC team members. Especially thanks to Mr Amit Singh Kushwaha,Rohit Gaur,Jagdish Mewada and Mk Harsh for providing good hygienic food and comfortable accommodation and location of the hotel. It was very comfortable for the people who are coming Bhopal for first time.
Some takeaways of mine from this NC is acceptance and positive mindset. Make a good friendship with you Stammering and see the magic and I really experienced this since last week. I made some good friends and came to know about their journey and it was really motivated me in some aspects. I really appreciate the family members of TISA members who really understood their loved ones in differnt situations and had patience and encouraged them through possible things and positive mindset. The guest speakers were so energetic that when they were speaking,it sparks confidence inside me and I was thinking why not me, I can also do this. So friends ,It’s not your stammering that holds you back but your own mindset about stammering does that’s what I learned here so now it’s time to change our mindset and life happily with our stammer.
I’m going to conclude my experience by thanking Dr Sachin Sir for providing us a great platform to share our feelings experiences and most important to connect with stammers around the country. Thanks to TISA Bhopal team for organising NC successfully.
“Maan Lia To Haar hai, Thaan Lia to Jeet”
“Mann Ke Hare Haar, Mann Ke Jeete Jeet”
4 thoughts on “What you resists,Persists! What you Accept ,You overcome
(October 8, 2019 - 3:53 pm)Nicely written, Bhopal NC was a great learning experience
Satyam Singh
(December 7, 2023 - 1:07 am)Thank you Dr
Dr Satyendra Srivastava
(October 19, 2019 - 7:02 am)Wah wah…
Satyam Singh
(December 7, 2023 - 1:07 am)Thank you