My life is based on a true story!!

Dear TISA Friends, Over the years we bottle in a lot of emotions, which prevent long lasting recovery from our speech issues. Writing down our stories and sharing it with other like minded people is a well-known approach to healing, where sufferer (not the therapist) is at the center. Just check following stories to get […]

The third meeting of the Bangalore SHG

The third meeting of the Bangalore SHG was held on 27-Sep-2009 at Cubbon Park, the usual venue of the meeting. We were expecting only Amith, K1, S and I for this session as N and P had conveyed that they would be out of station. I reached the venue by 9.50 AM. Some function was […]

Very Important counselling lesson

Mukesh was here in the morning for speech therapy. We started with story telling by bouncing and prolongation. As I saw and observed, Mukesh was good at both the techniques in the clinic but has never used them outside.So, I thought of taking him out and have both of us practice these techniques in the […]

Dehradun SHG meet

Dehradun SHG Met on 27th September 2009, at Mrs Jain’s house. We started by dividing ourselves into groups of two each and introduced our partners. Then we moved to a role play where we enacted a typical SHG meet, which helped some of the members bring out a lot of constructive feedback about the group […]

3rd meeting of Jammu SHG……!!!

On 19th sep(saturday), we had our 3rd meeting of jammu SHG. The main objective of this meeting was to face our fears and the feeling of embarassment that we PWS go through.It is often seen that the attitude of a PWS and fluency in his/her speech, often depends upon the listener reaction to his/her stammer […]

The Second meeting of the Bangalore SHG

The second meeting of the Bangalore SHG was held on 20-Sep-2009 at Cubbon Park. In the first meeting, it was decided to have the meeting at 10 AM every Sunday, with the available members. Since it took only half an hour the previous week for me to reach Cubbon Park from my residence in Marathahlli, […]

My “cure” is linked to your “cure”

Today Sachin introduced me to metaphysical meditation, where he gave me a thought :“In helping others to succeed, I shall find my own prosperity. In the welfare of others, I shall fnd my own well being” by Sri Sri Paramahansa Yoganandato ponder upon and think why this saint said such a thing ? Do I […]

Pune SHG- Alive and Kicking !

Hi Everybody !i wish to announce with pride that we are growing in number. we have all sorts of fun. each one of us is coming up with his/her unique ways of tackling this problem. slowly we all are realizing what kind of hidden talents we have but never got a chance to showcase them. […]

Two day Session On Stammering in Delhi!

Hi all, Sachin will be in Delhi on 12th & 13th September to conduct a two day session on stammering. Venue details will be posted in 2-3 days, right here. It will be a great opportunity for people who stammer to learn various ways to help themselves and for people who don’t stammer to know […]

First step..

From yesterday, Me and Parmanand have taken up the task of going out daily, in the real world and talk to people.As I have observed with me, I can bounce, prolong and do all kinds of things in Ashram and with people I know, but its difficult to do that with strangers.Hopefully very soon, both […]

And I cried

Today i pinged one of my school time friend on orkut’s chat window, which generally I don’t do . We were asking each other about our present jobs, girlfriends ( which both of us have none ), families etc. Then suddenly he gave me his phone number and asked me to call him, or give […]

Dehradun SHG meet, held on 23 August 2009

12 Members were present for the weekly Self Help Group (SHG) meet held at Samagra Ashram. We started with a round of introductions and had a quick test of our listening skills by testing how many names we could remember. The next activity was a puppet show where we organized ourselves into a team of […]

I was an ex-stammerer

I am 25 years old, person who stammer (PWS). I took speech therapy first time when I was 17, for 6 months & I was fluent for an year or so, but returned to my old habits soon..This is the same thing which I have observed in a lot of people in my self help […]