I was an ex-stammerer

I am 25 years old, person who stammer (PWS). I took speech therapy first time when I was 17, for 6 months & I was fluent for an year or so, but returned to my old habits soon..This is the same thing which I have observed in a lot of people in my self help group in Pune..

I used to think (as most other people who stammer would do) that its because I stopped my daily practices, and always had this guilt feeling that if I would have had worked harder, I would still have that fluency….but now I am beginning to realize that I was wrong. Not doing my daily practices was only a small part of the story but the important missing link was that the speech therapist never worked on my emotions linked to my stammer. So I was vulnerable to stammer again. Just one “BAD” day was enough to take me back to the place where I started.

Acccording to me, theraphy should begin with making the PWS realise that stammering is not that bad. Its not a crime or sin, for which he/she should feel guiltly. Along with this,if we work on our speech, results will be long lasting and then stammering on a few words here & there won’t affect us because everyone stammmers some time.

Post Author: Harish Usgaonker

2 thoughts on “I was an ex-stammerer


    (August 23, 2009 - 5:08 am)

    Intellect-> emotions-> deeper values-> Spiritual beliefs (this is how our journey goes..quite often we turn back -take a few steps back and then again, after couple of years move on..


    (August 24, 2009 - 1:05 am)

    I have never liked the idea that if we don't work hard enough on fluency, then somehow we have failed. We are never a failure if we are true to ourself, and present our true self to the world.

    And you are right, no amount of speech therapy can be conducted without working first on acceptance. We are who we are, and I have come to finally realize that my stuttering (stammering) makes me uniquely me. And so is the same for you! Great post!

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