Bangalore SHG report 22 July 2018

I  was a bit skeptical about this week’s SHG as I was not sure how many people will be joining. Gladly, till the meeting was over, we were seven people. Before the meeting, only me and Dev were there and we discussed about various topics. The meeting commenced at 11 O’clock. We started with our Introduction. Instead of giving their usual introduction, people were to Introduce themselves as if they were in an interview. It was a good practice and on the spot thinking.

After introduction, we read a chapter from AHJ. Chapter 5 “Play with your speech”. It talks about various techniques and vocalization exercises which helps a PWS to have a better control over his speech. After the reading, we discussed and practiced three types of block correction techniques mentioned in the chapter.

  • Post-block correction
  • In-block correction
  • Pre-block correction

This made me remember my days with Sachin sir when I learnt about these techniques for the first time. It was my initial days with TISA. I have already talked about that so no mention here. After this activity,we felt that we needed a reflection on ourselves as to why we are coming to SHG. Hence, I asked everyone to think and explain their reason to come to SHG. Everyone shared there stories and reminded themselves the time they joined SHG. I wish this round helped them to be more determined to come and join SHG. With this activity,as it was already one, we concluded the meeting .

Post Author: Shobhit

1 thought on “Bangalore SHG report 22 July 2018


    (July 23, 2018 - 6:47 pm)

    Wow! 7 or 70, we have to be ready, with sword drawn! (Sword of self-less service!).
    Shobhit, I too sometime wonder: is it really true that Shobhit was here?! Life has a dreamlike quality. Let us try and see and nice dreams of helping ourselves and others.. Best wishes!

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