Hi Everyone, As part of TISA transparency policy, here is snapshot of funds and expenses info of Delhi SHG last event “Face Your Fear” Feel free to contact for more information regarding this at 9711162629 Thanks Dixit Arora
Bangalore SHG Meeting report 20 Aug 2017
The commencement time of the meeting is 10AM but I reached Cubbon park at 9:20 only, just to admire the beauty of nature and dogs and people. On my way from corporation to hut, I met a butterfly and a drunkard. Butterfly flew away and drunkard stumbled on the path and lost his way. I […]
4 th Google Hangout meeting
TISA – VIRTUAL SHG organised it’s 4 th Google Hangouts meeting on 18/8/17 . From 8 pm to 9:30 pm. 6 members attained our meeting – 1. Nitin 2. Abinash 3. Kamal 4. Giridhar 5. Lokendra 6. Bhupendra Theme of our meeting – Indian Economy during NDA govt . 2014 – 2019 . We started […]
3rd Hangout SHG – A Report
Finally we organised our 3rd Google hangout meeting . We are 4 members in that meeting – 1. Lokendra 2. Rahul 3. Naresh 4. Bhupendra While our guests are – * Satyendra Shrivastav sir * Vishal Gupta sir The theme of our meeting is Indian independence. We started with introduction round . After that we […]
Bangalore SHG meet 13-08-2017
A day started well ends well is what they say about any normal day. For me it was like that because of the meeting I had with TISA Bengaluru SHG. It started little late because its Sunday and people generally feel lazy to get up and come to the venue. Once everyone came along it […]
Mumbai SHG Meeting Summary – 13/08/2017
Theme Of Meeting: If I was Prime Minister…. Time: 2.30 PM to 6.30 PM (Meeting got extended 🙂 ) Venue: YMCA Ghatkopar, Pant Nagar, Mumbai Meeting Manager: Dhruv Total members present:08+01(Abhinav from Pune, who has come specially to attend Mumbai SHG) Agenda: ***************************************************************************************************** Summary: Meeting started at around 2.35 PM with general discussion. For better understanding, we paired […]
An Appeal to PWS in Bhilwara (Rajastan)
Bhupendra Singh Rathore from Rajastan has been volunteering with new initiatives. After successfully organizing two virtual SHG meetings on Google Hangouts, he wants to initiate an SHG in the town he studies- Bhilwara. Below is his appeal to the PWS in Bhilwara and nearby areas. Please help him spread the word: Friends, gone are the […]
Face Your Fear Workshop – A Report
Face Your Fear workshop was conducted on August 6th, 2017. It was started at scheduled time with 14 participants and 2 HRs- Ms. Bhaveka Arora and Mr. Gurpreet Singh. Both of them hold atleast five years working experience in human resource departments. The workshop was hosted by Dixit Arora. The introduction session started with introduction […]
Bangalore SHG Meeting Report- 05 Aug 2017
It was a beautiful Sunday. The sun was shining and the weather was perfect for another round of enticing SHG meeting. In the lush green Cubbon Park, we gathered at 10 am for kicking off the meeting. Animesh, Naman, Nishil, Surender, Musa, Nikhil, Kavish, Amarnath, Ranjeeth and Hari Krishna were present for the meeting. The […]
Bhupendra Initiates a Virtual SHG
An online Google Hangout meeting was organised on Sunday on 6 August 2017. Five members attended this meeting: 1. Bhupendra (Ujjain) 2. Dilip (Ahmednagar) 3. Naresh (Jodhpur) 4. Harnesh (Udaipur) 5. Gridhar (Karnataka) We started at 7:30 am with introduction round after that we all shared our experiences regarding stammering and then we discussed about TISA techniques. It was […]
TISA MOOC (Online Class)
NOTE: Thanks for the overwhelming response! Enrollment for the 1st batch is closed at 40 students. Next batch will be announced sometime in November 2017. I have spoken to a few people who recently contacted TISA, and who were added to a few whatsapp groups and who received couple of emails and phone calls. One […]
meeting attended by total 12 members .. Dhruv Gupta ,Rahul Agarwal ,Shayam Sundar ,Jaiprakash Achhra ,Jayesh foka ,Jayesh Patil,Ashok Agicha ,Karthik ,Vishal Mishra ,Nikhil iyer ,Pravesh Rathod and Jugal Hemnani (Came late ). 1) first round–introduction round where every one has to speak their name ,place ,profession, hobbies and how he spend last week , […]
Changing Your Stammering Perception – Delhi SHG Report, 30-07- 2017
The theme for this self-help meeting in Delhi was ‘Changing Your Stammering Perception’. The agenda was designed in a manner which would help participants gain understanding about stammering i.e. finding answers to- under what circumstances they stammer more, different emotions that trigger stammering, misconceptions relating to cure (rather, management) of stammering, how does stammering affects effective communication and […]
The DDDDDawn: Inaugural of Mangalore SHG
A small but strong beginning of TISA Mangalore Self Help Group was initiated on July 23rd, 2017. A meeting was held in the Library Hall of the Retreat House – Jeppu. The meeting was attended by five members. Two SLPs also dropped in initially and encouraged us on the initiative. The meeting commenced with an […]
Mysore SHG Meeting 30th July’2017
Mysore SHG PWS at Cheluvamba Park met once again this fine Sunday morning in order to put another leap towards acceptance and awareness. Coordinator: Deepak No. of participants: 7 The meeting started around 10AM with a round of introduction using very slow prolongation followed by moderate prolongation. Ningappa recorded a video so that we can […]
Experience & Queries – Vipassana (विपश्यना)
विपश्यना …. let’s break this word for better understanding. वि-विशेष पश्यना-देखना (विशेष रूप से देखना )..but it doesn’t mean to imagine while observing on other hands it does mean to observe reality as it is… without any imagination… Recently I completed my first Vipassana course. Details: Centre Name: Dhamma Vahini Address: Runde Village, Titwala, Maharashtra 421605 Date Of Course: 15 […]
Meeting attended by Vishal ,Nikhil ,Jayesh foka and JP . 1st round- introduction round.. Where every one spoke about his name ,place ,current working /job ,hobbies etc . 2nd round -Experience sharing about how you came to know Stammering Every one spoke on this for an about 10-12 mins ,and everyone’s response was positive towards […]
Dehradun SHG Meeting, 27th July, 2017
Most of the SHG meeting that happens across the country happen mostly on weekends. We, here at DEHRADUN SHG, are changing the trend and we have our meeting on weekdays (mostly on Thursdays) as most of the members are busy during weekends, and believe me, the meetings now have become more interesting and happening. The […]
The rise of the Heroes..
Yesterday I went for the play – http://stammer.in/2017/07/13/an-evening-with-stories-26th-27th-july2017-atta-galattabangalore/ I reached the venue good 30 mins before the performance.. I had taken my wife and kids along.. only kids above 12 are allowed in plays. Anyways my kids were allowed! All is well and OK when our own people are involved in the logistics! 😉 Rashmi […]
An Open Letter to Parents of Children who Stutter
My Son is a stutterer. He is 20 years of age now. The stuttering emerged when he was about 7 years old. His infancy was marked by frequent hospital admissions due to asthmatic problems and skin problems. He spent quite a lot of his infancy in Hospitals during my service in the Indian Army. As […]