Friends check this: Amazing insights!
हकलाहट पर वर्क करना नई भाषा सीखने जैसा है!
एक विज्ञापन : 60 घंटों में अंग्रेजी बोलना सीखें। 100 प्रतिषत गांरटी के साथ। असर : अंग्रेजी बोलना सीखने की चाह रखने वाले कई युवा इस तरह के विज्ञापन में किए गए दावों से आकर्षिक होकर इंग्लिष कोचिंग जाना शुरू करते हैं। कई बार, कई सालों तक और कई कोचिंग सेन्टर पर जाकर अंग्रेजी सीखने […]
News@Tisa Hyderabad Chapter on 15-05-2016
Hello TISA One more wonderful meeting was held Jalagam Vengal Rao park,punjagutta,Hyderabad. We were around 7 people in the meeting. Sumit,Thirupati,Shivaji,Shiva Reddy,Dillip,Sandeep,myself. We as usually went with meditation round,it followed formal introduction round. After introduction we did role play activity.First we explained about the […]
Delhi SHG meeting on 15th May at once again Innov8 Coworking
HOD : – ABHAY SHARMA and COD : – Ravi Jagga
Invitation for Tisa Hyderabad Chapter Meeting on 15th may
Hello Friends, You are welcome to THE INDIAN STAMMERING ASSOCIATION Self Help Group meetings.These meetings will make you know what stammering is about and how we can control our speech patterns in day to day life.Here We Stammer at Ease.It is proved that if we stammer with easiness then stammering can be dissolved from speech.We […]
A New Start : Merging two akin activities of Toastmasters and TISA
Here is the detail : What are top 4 advantages of making meeting toastmaster’s type : – 1. It gives structure and flow to the meeting.2. It finds better opportunity for all to learn and lead the role. 3. It gives mirror to all that where we are lacking and what we need to do.4. It makes […]
A surgeon shares his story..
“I was born with a speech defect. Stammering haunts me; it is like a shadow that never deserts me except during sleep. Many inadquacies can be compensated for, but how does one keep a speech defect a secret? I was perhaps the only student with a stammer in my school. A stammerer is always on […]
An inspiring true story..
“When I was two and started talking, my parents had realized that I have a speech-related problem to an extent of stammering. However, I was told that it’s temporary and might go away as I will grow up. My life moved on and the complications and comparisons increased and eventually with that pressure, my speech […]
Meet Cool Americans this time..
If you are in Dehradun and if you stammer (lol!), you are welcome to join Dehradun SHG, for a day long interaction with American University students (30) from Boston – at Sita Ram Ashram on 29th May (Sunday). It will be a rich experiential session – no lectures, no presentations! – just genuine discussions, leading […]
Nothing But Excellence
I believe that every meeting is different, it has a story and sings its own song.I have tried to collect and present the ideas elucidated in the meeting. There is humor here and there and with no offence to anyone . Today’s SHG meeting was like climax of a love story. A realization comes to […]
Delhi SHG Meeting Report of 8th May “Mother’s Day”
Hi Folks, “Its our credence to learn and to adapt things” So finally once again we shaped our meeting as Toastmasters but we haven’t changed the flavor of meeting as we still had fun, masti and casual introduction round. MEETING REPORT At Innov8 Coworking Space, sharp at 11:30 am we started our meeting, it was superb as-usual. […]
Canada, Dehradun and Stammer Conversations !!
Now this is something different. Dr Sachin calls me and says that we have a group of Canadians and there is supposed to be an interaction between them and Dehradun SHG. Was there any excitement- OBVIOUSLY !! So here we were at Samagra, Dehradun to meet our guests. We had a group of 4 students from […]
News@Tisa Hyderabad chapter on 08-05-2016
Hello Tisa Family..! Back with one more meeting report. In this meet up we were four people. Shivaji,Chinni naik,Sandeep,Myself. We initiated the meeting with five minutes of meditation session. It followed by formal introduction round, Chinni naik and Sandeep improved a lot in giving their […]
Announcing SHG meetings on
Dear PWS, We, Delhi SHG PWS, started to announce meetings on and it was good response from new-comers. Meet-up is a website/mobile app where you can find meetings in all interests, like music, dance, programming, start-up, travelling etc. You can find Delhi SHG meet-up group at In our last SHG meeting, four new PWS […]
Dehradun- Meet The Cool Canadians..
If you are in Dehradun, I invite you to an interaction with some MacMaster Students (from Canada) at Samagra on 6th and 7th May (10 am to 12 noon). It will be more like a free social interaction.. But of course you are welcome to discuss themes around, education, communication, cross-cultural insights (may be “dating” too?) etc. […]
TISA Hyderabad Chapter Meeting report on 1st May 2016
Hello all Its a cloudy day and climate was somewhat cool. More than 10 people had attended the meeting which was held at Jalagam Vengal Rao park,Punjagutta,Hyderabad. Unfortunately I was little late for the meeting. I reached at 10 am to the park,as I […]
Delhi SHG Meeting Report 01st May 2016
Delhi SHG Meeting Report 01st May 2016. Lets start with things which we should not miss while writing about some event. It is very hot sunny days in Delhi right now but with unforgettable efforts of Vishal Gupta(Delhi Shg Co-ordinator) and sponsorship of Innov8 Coworking, we manage to have a small room in roof of […]
Communication Workshop Report by Delhi SHG
If you missed Delhi SHG Communication Workshop, Don’t Worry, You can get almost 60% of the workshop just by reading this report. You would have never read a meeting report like this one 🙂 General Information The Communication Workshop organized by Delhi SHG took place on April 2 and 3, 2016. The workshop was attended […]
Acceptance: a shock absorber
It has been about three years since I accepted acceptance as a technique to manage my stammering mindset. Yesterday I had been to a motorcycle dealer to buy spare parts. I stammered on almost every word with two different people while saying names of items. […]
Sun couldn’t stop us …and neither will stutter SHG meeting on last Sunday 24th April was like watching your favorite movie for 10th time. Familiar waves of emotions and nostalgia. In spite of knowing everything […]