हम दूसरों की नक़ल क्यों करें?

प्रसिद्ध दार्शनिक बर्नार्ड रसेल ने एक खूबसूरत बात कही है – “कई लोग नाकाम होते हैं, क्योंकि वे दूसरों की नक़ल करते हैं, जबकि जिंदगी की परीक्षा में हर व्यक्ति को अलग प्रश्न पत्र मिलता है.” आज हम लोग दूसरों की नक़ल करने की दौड़ में काफी आगे निकलते जा रहे हैं, खुद को भुलाकर. […]

Haklahat ko lekar badalti soch….

Hello mere pyare bhaiyo. .aapko ek vaakya batata hu jo mere sath hua 4,5 din pehle mere ghar plumber ka kaam chal raha tha or wo plumber jis worker ko mere ghar kaam pe laga k gaya tha wo bhai haklata tha to usey bhaiyo kaam ki thodi samaj nahi thi wo thodi thodi der […]


Guys, read this interview, to understand the personal connection.. Let us make a good movie on stammering, a big success too, by watching it in theater- may be as a group- wherever we can… If you have seen it, please write a review here.. http://www.newindianexpress.com/entertainment/hindi/I-Still-Stammer-When-I-Speak-Sometimes/2016/03/03/article3306978.ece And check this too: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/why-practicing-yoga-helps-with-my-stutter_b_9332208.html?section=india

अनुवाद : अचानक बुरे दौर की वापसी…

मैं पिछले 6-7 महीनों से तीसा के एक स्वयं सहायता समूह का सदस्य था. बैंगलोर के स्वयं सहायता समूह में मुझे अपने बोलने की छमता को और अधिक निखारने का मौका मिला, जिसके बारे में कभी कल्पना भी नहीं किया था. दिसंबर 2016 में जीवन का पहला भाषण देने का सौभाग्य प्राप्त हुआ. लगभग 20 […]

DELHI GRAND SHG MEETING  28 – FEBRUARY – 2016 The Delhi SHG has constantly been aiming to better itself and introduce new and innovative activities. It recently organized a ‘Grand SHG’. Members from outside Delhi were also encouraged to attend it.  Ravi Jagga, our IT guru, managed to promote the event well and in the […]

A Word of Caution

Balaji from Bangalore wants to share his experience with an Recruitment Consultancy. Balaji writes:  Ms Jyothi from M/s Kansas Overseas Career, Hyderabad, called me for Canada PR and I told her “No” because of my Speech problem. But she called for 2 months continuously and convinced me. She told me to pay Rs 1140 for […]

Bangalore SHG meeting – 28.02.2016

As the darkness unwound at dawn, the picturesque cubbon park was adoring itself to host yet another dynamic Self Help Meeting at Bangalore. The team include Mansi, Pradhiba, Chandhini, Nishil, Mohit, Suhanshu, Sameer,  Teja, Sidharth, Bharath, Avinash , Amarnath, Rajkumar and Harikrishna. Mansi took the lead to coordinate the meeting since the designated coordinator couldn’t make […]

Stammering Buzz !!

Dear friends, The Indian regional film “Su… Su… Sudhi”, a short film “Stutterer” winning the Oscars, and an upcoming Bollywood release featuring a stammering protagonist… Stammering is indeed creating waves… waves of awareness. This happens when people like us speak out and “talk” about stammering. It could be in form of blogs, a speech or […]

स्वीकार्यता पर एक पुस्तक : अध्याय 4 – संघर्ष से मुक्ति

संघर्ष से मुक्ति स्वीकार्यता हमें सिखाती है कि अब हकलाहट से संघर्ष करने की जरूरत नहीं। समय आ गया है कि आप हकलाहट को समझे, हकलाहट से दोस्ती करें, हकलाहट से प्यार करें। जब आप ऐसा करेंगे तो पाएंगे कि अब तक हकलाहट के साथ आपके संघर्ष का कोई मतलब नहीं था। हकलाहट को सहजता […]

SHG Meeting Chandigarh

For the meeting I reached the venue Sector 42 lake, Chandigarh at 9.00 am. Jasmeet , Mr. Paramjeet, Shri Parmod Kathuria were already there. We were joined by Shashank, Nitin, Vineet and Mukul. We all welcomed Shri Kathuria in the group as he was attending the meeting for the first time. We all gave are […]

News@ TISA Hyderabad chapter 28th Feb 2016

 I (Ramu) reached the park at 9:15,ESHWAR and CHINNI were already in park but sitting at different places I collected them and we together sat at our regular spot. As were started enquiring each other about  daily activities which we are following to control stammering ARJUN SING joined us within 10min TIRUPATHI also joined,as count is […]

Delhi GRAND SHG Meeting, 28th Feb 2016

Delhi SHG is organizing a GRAND SHG on 28th February, 2016. It’s a get together so requset to all old members and partially active members to come attend this GRAND SHG . Nearby SHGs and non-stammers are aslo cordially invited. Note: Please bring your tiffin in the meeting as we will take the lunch together. Note Down […]

This might interest you all..

http://gulfnews.com/life-style/celebrity/desi-news/bollywood/doctor-told-vicky-kaushal-not-to-stutter-for-zubaan-1.1678386 http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/entertainment/hindi/bollywood/news/Vicky-Kaushal-almost-developed-stuttering-during-Zubaan/articleshow/51108613.cms http://www.independent.ie/entertainment/irish-director-ben-cleary-is-hoping-his-oscarnominated-short-film-will-stand-out-from-the-crowd-34477072.html https://cla.umn.edu/news-events/news/not-alone-kids-who-stutter-find-support

स्वीकार्यता पर एक पुस्तक : अध्याय 3 – दूर होंगी सारी बाधाएं

दूर होंगी सारी बाधाएं हकलाहट को स्वीकार करने के बाद सारी बाधाएं खुद ब खुद खत्म होने लगती हैं। हकलाने का डर, शर्म और दुःख गायब हो जाते हैं। जब आप दूसरों के सामने हकलाहट को स्वीकार कर लेते हैं, उनसे हकलाहट के बारे में बातचीत करते हैं, तो आप पाते हैं कि दूसरे लोग […]

TISA Hyderabad Chapter meeting on 28th Feb 2016

Hello Friends, You are welcome to THE INDIAN STAMMERING ASSOCIATION Self Help Group meetings.These meetings will make you know what stammering is about and how we can control our speech patterns in day to day life.Here We Stammer at Ease.It is proved that if we stammer with easiness then stammering can be dissolved from speech.We […]

News @ Hyderabad SHG meetup on 21st Feb

Report by Ramu.  We were 15 members this week, We got three more new people this week. Two of them came to know about Tisa through the article in local news paper and one is through internet. Along with them we were 6 at 9am. So first we started the meeting by asking the new people about […]

New faces in TISA

Today Sumit a TISA member from Patiala brought his friend Shubham Rana from Jalandhar to my office. Patiala has already started SHG with Anupinder as Lead. At present there are around 6 members and they are growing. We discussed about the basic principle of Acceptance and how to work on it.I requested him to regularly […]