TISA plans to purchase a DVD to distribute to every SHG. If you are an SHG leader for a city, please email me (dhruvg05@gmail.com) your full address and phone number. I will have it delivered to you.
Su Su Sudhi Vathmeekam – A Stammerer’s Review
Here’s my review of the Malayalam movie “Su Su Sudhi Vathmeekam”, which is based on stammering. Indian Cinema has traditionally seen stammerers (PWS) as comic characters. Lately, there were protagonists who stammered… But a Malayalam film – Su Su Sudhi Vathmeekam comes as a fresh air, which revolves around a person who stammers and […]
SHG Meeting Chandigarh
SHG meeting was organized at lake in sector 42, Chandigarh on 07.02.2016 morning. I reached the venue at around 9.30 am. Jasmeet, Sumit, Gaurav, Mukul, Kapil were already there. We started the session with 10 minutes of Ana- pana meditation to calm and relax our mind which is continuously agitated. Ana- pana is the first […]
Mumbai (Ghatkopar) SHG #113
Blog with experience-sharing coming soon…by new member of Mumbai SHG What we did in brief: Self-intro slowly, just saying name, occupation, and hobbies with eye-contact and smile What is stammering? Why do we stammer? What do we want to change? And the steps to change. We referenced this video by Dr. Sachin: Change 3 Principles […]
News at TISA Hyderabad Chapter on Jan 31st 2016
Last week , Ramu has coordinated the meetup. We were 24 members. We divided the group into 2, old and new members. Old members have followed the below activities 1) Prepared speeches 2) Loud shouting 3) Voluntary stuttering New members have done the following activities 1) Introduction round 2) Basic stammering info 3) Paranayam exercises […]
TISA Hyderabad Chapter meeting on 7th Feb 2016
Hello Friends, You are welcome to THE INDIAN STAMMERING ASSOCIATION Self Help Group meetings.These meetings will make you know what stammering is about and how we can control our speech patterns in day to day life.Here We Stammer at Ease.It is proved that if we stammer with easiness then stammering can be dissolved from speech.We […]
My thoughts on stammering
Hello Friends, My Name is Nikhil Iyer. Right from the age of 10 yrs, I have been stammering. But instead of looking at it as a problem we need to treat stammering as our friend and move on with it which will remove the fear we are facing because of stammering. I joined TISA at […]
Communication Workshop 2016 in Dehradun, 24th Jan- 26th Jan, 2016
Comm WS Report Media: Times of India, Daily Pioneer, Amazing Pics (Thank you, Ashish Lakra) Day 1: About 20 participants. Many from Delhi. One from Vijaywada. One from Makrana, Rajasthan. One from Jaunpur. A senior couple (Dhruv’s parents) from Punjab. After a little intro and a little conceptual background, participants were requested to conduct mutual […]
Bangalore SHG Meeting – 31/01/2016
The meeting started at around 10:30 AM on a beautiful Sunday Morning at the small hut in Cubbon Park. There were 7 of us – Siddharth, Reuben Lopes, Amarnath, Rajesh, Shiva, and 2 of them(sorry for missing your names.. my bad!). A small crowd but ended out to be more productive. Siddharth hosted the entire meeting. The first round […]
Introducing Mr. Sumit Kumar to TISA
Mr. Sumit Kumar, a PWS from Patiala was in contact with me from last around 2 months through his father Shri Ramesh Kumar. He had obtained my number through TISA site. His father wanted to know about the cure from a disease named Stammering, thinking me that I am a doctor. I clarified that I […]
Mumbai (Ghatkopar) SHG #112
“We’re all the same, but unique. We’re all part of the same life source, all evolved from the same ancestors.” “Stammering is a big deal” VS. “Stammering is no big deal” – who’s being honest? who has better chances of recovery?…only by talking about them (painful times)…acknowledging them..accepting them…do they vanish…Let’s talk about our pain..not deny […]
Kundan at his best!!
Break down…
Hi Just got up after watching Suffragette. You may or may not understand women’s movement, but do watch it. It is a beautiful piece of genuine history of genuine people who cared for others: what does it matter if they were women? All the better! I want to share a little story I read as […]
TISA Hyderabad Chapter meeting on 31st Jan 2016
Hello Friends, You are welcome to THE INDIAN STAMMERING ASSOCIATION Self Help Group meetings.These meetings will make you know what stammering is about and how we can control our speech patterns in day to day life.Here We Stammer at Ease.It is proved that if we stammer with easiness then stammering can be dissolved from speech.We […]
Joke on me
location : My collage, Out side the class room before exam. there was me and my three friends. we were stand out side the class before exam and we were discuses about topics. one of them suddenly told, ” agar me dusre ko call krta hu to jo baat 45 paisa me hoti he wahi baat nandu ko karega to […]
POEM RECITATION – BANGALORE SHG !! Check the below link for videos of the poem recitation session held on 24th Jan 2016.I am sure there is a surprise waiting for us all …. They tell poetry cant be explained , but can only be admired ! Its the dance of words !! Do watch the […]
It’s the latest norm!! We are not just reaching double digits, we are not just happy with 10 people every week, week after week its full house! The small hut that we used for a long time looks abandoned and the bigger hut (that’s what we call that place!) is the place where we meet […]
Mumbai (Ghatkopar) SHG #111
Dear Fellow Stammerers, Good evening! What a day…I arrived back in Mumbai this morning from Pune. Came home, prepped for the SHG and went off to it! I got inspiration for the agenda from the communication workshop agenda, specifically this part: 2-2:30:Introduction in Pairs 2:30-2:45: Intro to Acceptance 2:45-3: Eye contact, Bouncing in Change Game […]
TISA Hyderabad Chapter meeting on 24th Jan 2016
Hello Friends, You are welcome to THE INDIAN STAMMERING ASSOCIATION Self Help Group meetings.These meetings will make you know what stammering is about and how we can control our speech patterns in day to day life.Here We Stammer at Ease.It is proved that if we stammer with easiness then stammering can be dissolved from speech.We […]
Meeting the Angels..
On Jan17th, we set out to meet the Little Angels at the Ruva Foundation – A comfort home for kids.. Here is how the story unfolded.. Lost for words.. We met at Cubbon at 9am and started our Journey towards Ruva Foundation Swarnalatha, Mansi and Pratibha did minute to minute planning! Girls lead from […]