Young minds…

I had an invitation to talk about discrimination and diversity to a group of students doing Diploma in Health Assistance, in the local hospital. After initial hitch, which technology almost always throws at you tauntingly – we were off to a good start. Multimedia was working. I introduced the theme quickly in a few lines […]

People with disabilities?

Recently some one has given the PWD a new name: Divyang. Interesting. While doing a recent study about livelihood options for PWD in the hills, I came across a riddle: While GOI offers positive discrimination – 3% reservations for PWD in all services, barring Andhra Pradesh, few states report full utilization of this quota. Why? Why […]

A day from the past

When I was in 9th standard, There was a story told by my class teacher. I remember the traces of it but will try to tell in my own words. The story goes like this…. There was once an old man who lived in a city. He lived in a very posh area. There lived […]

Wellness at a cost!

Friends check this link: I had mixed feelings: Happy that someone found at last what she was looking for… Then, the Community health person inside me said: but why at such a cost? Is wellness, health, happiness not our birth-right? I think, the story is very familiar to many of us- but we can […]

Random acts of kindness…

This was a short address in Hindi by sachin to set the tone for the next three days ; an appeal to view stammering – and everything else in life – in a bigger picture – of finding fulfillment by serving others – not as a favor, but as a service to our larger Self. Here […]