I attained my first communication workshop at Gandhinagar on 5 and 6 may . Its a great experience for me to Co-facilitate this workshop with Dhruv , Vipul , Sweta , Smit , Roshan .
Day 1
# We started with introduction round by using different techniques and funny games.
# Then we discussed on Iceberg ; We all added our points what we feels when we stammer . what are internal factors of stammering and external factors of stammering . and I heared a new word , freedom mindest . How we can move from stammering mindset to freedom mindset.
# Then we have delicious snacks ( poha and bread-butter )
# After lunch we have a meditation session lead by Dr. Sweta Ruparel .
#After that we organised a tallent show , in which everyone shown their tallents . some shows there singing skills , some shown there skills of playing musical instruments like guitar , bansuri , shankh . Dhruv shown his tallent of Beat Boxing and we all done it with him . Vipul singed a song in bouncing and voluntary stammering . Smit shred his project work. and i recited a poem .
# In Evening we gone to Infocity for Stammering Interviews. and there we met a mother who come to us for asking help for her daughter who is about 3 or 4 years old . Vipul shared some books with her on how parents should deal with child who stammer.
# Then we all gone for delicious Gujrati Dinner and Tasty AAAAAAmmmmm Russss.
# It started with a energetic Cycling session.
# Then we have breakfast , Delicious khaman and sips of tea.
# Dhruv took recap of the learnings of day 1.
# Then Rahul and Kuldeep Joined us on day 2 so, they introduced themselves with us.
# then we have a Peanut Round for learning pausing technique.
#Then for dealing with secondaries , we called our friends and recorded our videos and made our own icebergs.
# Then a self image and confidence session by Dr. Sweta Ruparel.
# Sales Session by Sajesh.
#Lunch , i eat a special dish named as khandawi ; i loved that dish alot.
#Role Plays , we have 3 plays based on concept if 99 % of people are stammerer so, that world might be.
# In End we have a friends and family members session .
After failing from so many interviews I’m feeling very low . so, i want to join a Tisa activity at any cost . and this workshop is a boost for me . It teached me alot . The love ahmedabad SHG and Vipul bhai , Dhruv , Roshan bhai , Smit , Shailesh , Anil given me , i cant explain in words. and they all are ispiration for me including Dr. Sweta , Sajesh , Yosuf . I learned from them , They all are like my family members , they all passed through same phase through which I’m going on . If Sajesh Can be a Salesman , If Sweta Can be a Lecturer , If Mitesh bhai own his shop , if Vipul bhai can do his HR work , Then why I’m so depressed . I am a part of family where people understand me. No one laughs on me when i stammer . If i have choice i will never left that workshop. I Still Remember MR. Anjan Ghosh , He come from Kolkata to join this meeting . he is a inspiration for me , The smile on his face is a proof . He lived a succesful life with his stammer . First time in life i thanked god to made me a stammerer . i have such a huge family , I have so much to learn about communication. I feels Blessed to be born with STAMMER . I’m from that 1% lucky people who have this diversity. Who can see this world with silence . Love You TISA . If i have a choice so , i want to propose my stammer . Keep Teaching me best lessons of my life . And never leave me alone , I feels Scared when you are not with me . I love you Stammering , Wanna live with me for my whole life.
2 thoughts on “Gandhinagar Communication Workshop – I Feels Blessed ; Being a PWS .”
Harish Usgaonker
(May 8, 2018 - 9:23 am)Very nice narrative… I could imagine very well what all that was going on during the workshop. Truly it seems to be a well organised event. Congrats to Ahmedabad SHG for the success, and congrats to Bhupendra on gathering the courage to fall in love and “proposing” his stammer
Satyendra Srivastava
(May 8, 2018 - 1:05 pm)So nice!
TISA can do many more such workshops – PROVIDED some one (like Vipul) can take the charge of organising it… So, please consider volunteering for this. Before you think of a Comm Workshop, run a SHG for a few months.. and then, take the leap!
TISA thanks you in ADVANCE!!