TISA Bangalore Shg meeting: 29/10/23.
Note: The following is the report from the self-help meeting in Bangalore on 29th October. The report is from Labani Samantha, one of the participants. These self-help meetings happened across India- Delhi, Jaipur, Mumbai, etc. More information can be found on the TISA website. The joining details are at the end.
Participants: Labani, Vivek, Ajay, Vinayak, Ashutosh, Naman, Arjun, Kalpesh, Dinesh.

As per our agenda, we all gathered at Cubbon Park in the big hut at 10 a.m. It was such an amazing weather, a bright sunny day combined with a cool breeze.
We started the meeting with a short introduction followed by sharing our experiences/memories.
Vivek was the first speaker, he summed up his speech by letting us know about how he is utilizing every bit of his free time by learning a new software language (python) and spending time with his roommate.
Next, we had Ashutosh who shared his work experience and what made him decide to quit his job. He is working on his speech now and is in a quite better position with regard to his stammering.
Kalpesh took the stage after that and shared his speech experiences. He is managing his speech in front of colleagues but is still in denial while speaking at gatherings. We all made him understand that “DAR KE AGE JEET HAI.”
Since I couldn’t make it to the last two weekends, I took the stage with a lot of energy and positivity. I shared about how TISA taught me to be kind and patient with myself and helped me become the person I needed when I was young.

Naman took his turn next and finally, we got to know that he had started his long-awaited sabbatical leave. He very nicely and promptly distinguished his leave in 4 parts to work on his mental, and physical health, his speech, and his career path… in this order.
How can we forget our Guru ji, Vinayak, He has started his speech therapy and we all can see the difference. He is very happy that his therapist can understand his inner scars and work through them.
Dr. Arjun came with his cute daughter Viya, she was like a fresh and refreshing breeze. Arjun shared some insight from a book he recently read, he helped us to understand how he overcame his avoidance and fear of talking over the phone in front of his fellow doctors.
Ajay sir took the stage and shared about some age-old productivity tool that states you should always prepare a note for tomorrow’s to-do list, 6 things you want to accomplish the next day, before leaving your workplace. He still maintains the same and gets a lot of benefits from it.
Next, it was Dinesh sir’s turn. We saw him after a long time and we all were waiting for his words. He is currently following master chef and asked us about the ingredients that we currently have in our speech. He shared his views about how we can choose the right ingredients in the right amount. He added that he needs to go for a silence retreat for 10 days at least once a year to help him think clearly and hit the refresh button on his mind to start with a clean slate.
In the end, we took some nice pictures and ended today’s meeting with sweet bye-bye and a lot of learning.
Do you stammer or do you know anybody who does? and do you want to join such groups?
You can join by reaching out to us on any of the below channels:
TISA-Bangalore Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tisabangalore/
Email: tisabangalore0@gmail.com / info@stammer.in
Contact: Tapan Samantha: +91 99001 62098.
Check out the TISA Newsletter “SAMVAD”: Samvad | The Indian Stammering Association