My name is M K harsh. I am from Bhopal ; Madhya Pradesh.
As far as my memory goes, I remember myself as a boy who used to take his time for telling something. Since in my maternal side and paternal side family, not a single person is a stammerer so my parents were literally don’t know the word stammering before me. Now, when I started to stammer, so my parents had taken me to the doctor and that was the moment the whole story starts. The moment I was taken to a doctor, my mind had given my a thought that dude there is something wrong in you.
Then I got admission in the school. Children have general psychology that they use to tease others but my school friends had not teased me till date because of my stammering and even today when I meet them, they meet me with the same smile on their face. I had a group of close friends, who supported me in my thick and thin during my school days. But somehow I feel that with such a positive and cooperative environment, I had not shaped myself as a leader. I was always in the background, I was always there in the crowd and doing fake clapping on father’s or sister’s or teacher’s speeches. In my 14 years of schooling I had never gone to the stage once and I had never even volunteered or told the teacher that I want to be the part of assembly team and have to at least sing a hymn or I want to tell the thought for today by holding the mic on my hand all because of the shame and guilt of stammering. I still regret that why I was so shy and introverted guy during my schooling?
Now after completing my 12th board exams, there was a huge vacation of 3 months, so I was searching the “cure of the stammering ” on Google and that day I came to know about TISA. On the TISA FB page, I had written all about myself and the first person to reply me on that post was Mr.Manimaran Velan sir from Chennai. He then added me to his WhatsApp group named super speakers and I’m still in this nationwide group of stammerers. At that point, my stammering was so high, that I even don’t have the courage to call Manimaran sir and tell him about my problem. But now I think that, at that time Manimaran sir had understood that this boy is hesitant to talk to me and for 1 month he had replied to all my queries throughWhatsAppp then after 25-26 days, somehow I gather all the courage and had called him and he had listened to me very patiently and then he told me about acceptance of stammering and that was the point my life that my brain had processed a thought that dude it is ok to stammer.
Then I was doing more research on TISA, and I came across many videos of Sachin sir on acceptance and various techniques and the speech therapy of Manimaran sir. Then for the next 15 days, I was doing these practices in my home. Then after 5-7 days, I came to know about Bhopal SHG. I still remember the date, the date was 13th June 2017 when I had first attended the meeting of Bhopal SHG. I had stammered like hell in my first SHG meet, but all the thanks to Jagdish Mewada sir, he had calmed me down, he told me some techniques after the meeting like bouncing and prolongation and I had practiced those techniques religiously in my home.
fake it till you make it
On the first day of my college, though I used to be an average type of student, on that day in spite of my stammering, I had presented myself as an out of the world boy 😛 . I was giving all the answers asked by teachers with such great confidence and when the teacher called me on the stage to give my introduction, I don’t know why but I had not stammered that day in my introduction 😛 So the teachers and classmates were highly impressed and I became an overnight star in my class.
I had made many friends on my first day itself, those people are still my friends .
Now writing this, I am just collecting all those memories and I am thinking that what were the difference between my school days and college days ?
According to me, the basic difference is that how much you respect yourself in your eyes .
The world will respect you when you will respect yourself!
In the college, I am more open towards my stammering, all my teachers, friends know about my stammering . I had also given a presentation in my class on stammering and TISA in 3rd semster and this all became possible of TISA.
I’m not saying that today I am a fluent speaker but I can say that today I have no shame and guilt regarding my stammering and now I talk to people by looking into their eyes.
Hence at the last, I would say that be patient and more importantly confident on your stammer and then see the difference.
To all the parents of PWS, please don’t take them to any kind of speech therapy because according to me when a person do not become successful in his or her proffesional life then only he or she becomes a so called speech therapist .
Instead, take your kid to SHG meeting and national conferences of TISA that will help a lot.
2 thoughts on “Humans of TISA ( M.K.Harsh )”
satyendra srivastava
(January 17, 2019 - 5:25 am)Wow..
Very heart touching…
Nb. Therapists are ok. Only problem, they refuse to learn, especially from their clients…
M K harsh
(January 17, 2019 - 6:42 am)You are right sir 🙂