Workshop Report & Accounts
TISA offers a one day free open session on stammering and recovery in Guwahati on 20th March, Saturday
Venue: Mahapurusha Srimanta Sankaradeva Viswavidyalaya, Rupnagar Rd, Naamghar, Birubari, Guwahati, Assam 781007. Map.
Dr Satyendra Srivastava, a social worker, researcher and a recovered stammerer will answer your questions and share a few effective techniques. Registration fee is Rs 500 only (non-refundable)- to cover a book and other direct expenses. You have to arrange for your own board and lodge if you are traveling to Guwahati, which can easily be done online.
20th March (day 1):
9.30-10 am: Registration
10-10.30 am : Ice breaker by Dr Srivastava
10.30-12 noon: Stammering & Recovery: Myth & Reality – a presentation by Dr Srivastava, followed by QnA.
12- 1 pm: Interactive Exercise
1-2 pm: Lunch Break
2-3 pm: Recovery and self-help: presentation and discussion led by Dr Srivastava
3-5 pm: Interactive exercise and 121 personal counseling
21st March (day 2)
NB: If ten participants enroll
9.30 – 11 am: Review, QnA, Discussion & Practice of self help techniques
11am -1 pm: Open Mic session/ individual presentations with Vid recording, analysis and feedback.
1-2 Lunch break
2-6 pm: Desensitization / technique practice in a public place near by followed by review & feedback.
You have the option to attend day 2 and 3 (21, 22 March) if ten participants register, which is free. If you are interested send a text or message to 8630337907 (telegram) or email ( ASAP. We will be putting you up in a telegram group, and then collaboratively, we will further fine-tune this FIRST workshop in Seven Sisters States. This is a TISA initiative to make self-help accessible to people who stammer, especially young students and job seekers.
Here is the
Google form, we are using to get to know you, so that we can customize the event for your needs; Please fill it if you have not already done so.
TISA events are gender-responsive, participatory and based on experiential learning. Check the report here of a similar workshop in
Siliguri and
Updated list of candidates who have successfully registered, will be shared below as comments from sachin.
If you are from North East, get ready for the big adventure! Help us plan it and participate.
How to Register?
You may deposit Rs 500 (includes a self help book) through Google pay to 9412058272 (Satender Kumar Srivastava)
OR you can scan the QR code below:

Ten participants registered: Shubhraneel, Rontu, Abdul Aziz, Dipankar, Satyajit, Bitopan, Ajay Poddar, Tanuj, Anjan Ghosh, Nishant.
Two day workshop was conducted successfully with considerable inputs from Sanjib Talukdar, Nishant Aggarwal, Shubhraneel Barua… We wil be sharing a report soon.
3 thoughts on “Guwahati Workshop”
Satyendra Srivastava
(February 23, 2021 - 9:21 am)Guwahati workshop update:
I will be staying at a homestay near Anuradha Cineplex, Guwahati, from 17th to 22nd March.
Satyendra Srivastava
(March 7, 2021 - 1:12 pm)I have booked my travel. I will be in Guwahati by 16th evening. I plan to visit local school, before the workshop on 20th. Registration done by Shubhraneel so far!
Satyendra Srivastava
(March 19, 2021 - 7:26 am)Final List of Registrations (Rs 500 received) : Shubhraneel, Rontu, Abdul Aziz, Dipankar, Satyajit, Bitopan, Ajay Poddar.
Thank you all of you..