While browsing about Personal change, I came across following resources. I am not endorsing their paid services. But there are some free resources which can be useful for TISA seniors who are trying to help others on the path of self change through SHG, Online SHG and personal counselling; here are the two free manuals: […]
Author: Sachin
पहल करते करते “पहलवान” बनें.. (Initiative and Change!)
Friends- having been through many Personal change programs over last 55 years (some successful, some not so successful), I thought, may be I am entitled to have my two words on this “trending” subject! I think there are three important things: 1. A written detailed plan- clear cut steps with time lines. But before this […]
Organised anarchy model
I have been viewing Delhi events with great interest – one reason, I too am a very AAM aadmi and secondly, because I wrote an essay on India aagainst corruption movement sometime back as part of my online course on Organizational change. In this essay, I had to apply Garbage can theory {organised anarchy) model […]
Comm WS Pune: Q & A part 4 and last
P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm; }A:link { } Friends, here are the last set of questions from Pune Comm WS. Children After what age, can we guarantee that the child will not stammer? If a child is going to recover (with or without therapy), he would do so by 10-14 years of age. Sometime, though rare, […]
Delhi SHG meeting..
DELHI SHG MEETING REPORT ON 22-dec We were four friend attending meeting Anand Neo, Sauvit Sing, Amit Dixshit and me Sikandar. Amit host the meeting. The aim of meeting was give chance to every participant to host any one activity to develop the leadership that is helpful in reducing stammering. First activity was hosted by […]
Comm WS Pune: Q & A part 3
P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm; }A:link { } Part 3 of interesting questions asked during Pune Comm WS; click read more.. Management How to manage stammering? Easy. Be courageous. Confront your fears and other negative emotions. Confront, document and catalogue your current speech and related behaviours (with a video camera). Modify them a little – one […]
Grand gala lunch!
Herbertpur Hardy boys invite you to a “Community lunch” at Guru Kripa Complex, Vikasnagar, at 1 pm on 22nd Dec. (Sunday). Please join if you are free and around.
Prolongation or stretching or lengthening..
Prolongation is a very popular fluency shaping technique. Hemant kept on reminding me that we need to do a video for Hindi speaking pws .. Thank you Hemant! So here it is. It is just an introduction. Learn more from others in your SHG and practice, practice, practice- till you develop good controls and are […]
Comm WS Pune: Q & A part 2
P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm; } Some more questions. If you are not satisfied, feel free to send me an email or phone. (sachin) Underlying causes I want to know about causes of stammering? Current understanding is: The responsible genetic trait is inherited by some children (not all; often eldest or youngest male child; girls occasionally) […]
Comm WS Pune: Q & A part 1
P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm; } Dear Friends, following questions were asked by participants in Pune Comm WS. We were so busy (and happy!) with so many activities that I never had the chance of answering them. As I promised then, I am offering my thoughts on these questions. I have lumped them together based on […]
Aha ! Feedback time..
Friends, we can not improve without getting frank feedback. Especially from users/ participants. Here is one such feedback, which we MUST go though carefully, try to understand and learn from. I have removed names on request. In any case names and places are not so important. In response to why attnedance at SHG is low.. […]
Self help
People interested in self-help should read this good write up: http://www.mnsu.edu/comdis/kuster/casestudy/path/jdwpath.html And if you work with children, or plan to, here is a very good resource: http://www.pediastaff.com/blog/slp-corner-stuttering-therapy-the-focus-of-increased-communication-1766 This last one is worth reading thrice! It is really good. Many of the ideas contained therein, are useful for young and adults too.. Remember, knowledge is your […]
Kanpur SHG begins
Karan Bagga will be facilitating the SHG eetings in Kanpur: “Lets meet at Kargil Park, MotiJheel at 9 A.M.” Karan Mob: 8960075545
What If..
When a client fails to benefit from a therapy, what happens then? Often the therapist and the client tend to blame each other. But there is another position: what if the “condition” has been totally misunderstood? And in the case of stammering, what if, stammering has many sub-types: one responding to fluency shaping techniques and […]
Acceptance and Commitment
We have received a link from Vivek (Pune). It is an interesting article. Here is the “soul” of it: “..The fact that all participants appeared to benefit from this study’s combination of treatment focused on speech management and treatment focused on acceptance of speaking differences also speaks to another important debate within the field of […]
(Here is a post from Umesh Rawat, Delhi SHG): As in my last post I mentioned that I joined teaching as a job. You can read it again from here (http://stammer.in/2013/09/11/from-umesh-rawa/) . After almost 3 months experience of teaching in a school as a pws, I find some new things about stammering and myself which […]
Friends- I came across a video: Football players protect a special needs girl from bullies. It was really good- worth sharing. There are 3 more videos about identity (accepting oneself) and about bullying- how a single dissenter can change the entire game.. Each, with a deep message for us in TISA http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gtkHsARkHbg http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ikGVWEvUzNM http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=60iTu-en3J8 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_5WRpYmInQ4
Sharing an inspiring email..
Thanks a lot … But i can tell you i am not the only one who is trying to break away from the chains of stammering, there are several PWS who are doing something different in their lives which in someway or the other is helping them deviate their minds off stammering and focusing on […]
New Initiatives
TISA is exploring the possibilities of collaborating with other entities, to put up an online course on self help for stammering, something along the lines of Udacity or Coursera … This may not free us from the responsibility and the great need of getting out of our comfort zones and contacting other pws who do […]
Story with a happy ending..
Most of us are men and often may think that stammering has totally ruined our lives..But what about young women who stammer- how do they fare in the same world? Here is a true story. Absolutely inspiring. Share it in your self help group.. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-2508433/It-l-l-l-ove-s-s-sight-How-Ive-learned-accept-stutter-help-stammering-fiance.html?ico=health^headlines