BLR SHG meeting (31 March 2019)

Attendees (L to R): Joshua, Shouvik, Murali, Annasaheb, Naveen, Rahul, Keerthan, Asim. Venue: Cubbon Park, near central library. Time: 10 AM to 1 PM The meeting was held at Cubbon park. Both the huts were occupied so we sat under a tree. Attendance was less compared to the previous meetings. We started with the introduction […]

BLR SHG meeting (24 March 2019)

Attendees (L to R): Front row- Annasaheb, Vineet; Back row- Kalpesh, Amit, Ravi, Shobhit, Bhargav, Shanwaz, Lokesh, Naveen. Venue: Cubbon Park, near central library. Time: 10 AM to 1 PM The meeting started at a different location. Our regular location was booked by another group. We started with introduction round. All of us give broad […]

Hrithik Meets TISA

 In an amazing feat that turns out to be a BIG milestone- TISA’s Mumbai SHG had a meeting and head-to-head conversation with none other than Hrithik Roshan. Hrithik has been vocal about his stammering right from his early days of stardom, and on March 15, 2019, Hrithik Roshan met 9 of the Mumbai SHG members […]

Mysore SHG Meeting 17th March 2019

Minutes of Meeting of SHG Mysore dated 17.03.2019 (10:00 to 13:30) Posting on behalf of Abhijit Ghosh Venue: Cheluvamba Park (opp. Akashvani, Mysore) 1. We first introduced ourselves. 2. Questioned each other based on introduction. 3. Discussed briefly about the root causes of our individual speech problem. 4. Explain how we spent our last week […]

BLR SHG meeting (17 March 2019)

Attendees (L to R): Front row- Kalpesh, Keshav, Joshua, Annasaheb, Manish, Vineet, Sudhanshu; Back row- Amit, Naveen, Rahul, Shouvik. Venue: Cubbon Park, near central library. Time: 10 AM to 1 PM The meeting started with our introduction round. All of us gave our brief introduction, discussed about our stammering experience. After introductions some questions were […]

Comm WS Version 2 ( Vikasnagar )

Communication Workshop by Dr. Satyendra Srivastava at SMTA campus on 29, 30, 31 March 2019 (Fri to Sun) for people who stammer/ stutter. If you have tried many therapies and are not happy with the outcome, this workshop may benefit you. It is based on Meditation, deeper discussion about underlying causes and some self-help techniques. […]

BLR SHG meeting 10 Mar 2019

Attendees (L to R): Front row- Joshua, Shobhit; 2nd row- Kalpesh, Firoze, Chandramouli Sir, Shreyas; 3rd row- Sudhanshu, Aditya, Manish, Annasaheb; 4th line- Tapan, Anupam, Vineet, Rahul, Karthik, Amit, Naveen, Madhavan sir. Venue: Cubbon Park, near central library. Time: 10 AM to 1 PM Today we saw a large number of PWS attending the SHG […]

BLR SHG meeting 3 March 2019

BLR SHG meeting (3 March 2019) Attendees: (L to R)- Front row: Annasaheb, Prashanth; Middle row: Rahul, Firoze, Ravi, Vineet; Last row: Kalpesh, Shubham, Amit, Sudhanshu, Shouvik. Venue: Cubbon Park, near central library. Time: 10 AM to 1 PM Today’s was a first meeting just after our workshop. So many PWS after attending the workshop […]


Day: Thursday, Time: 9 pm. 2 women had already joined the hangout call. I welcomed all and started hosting it. In next 10 minutes, 5 more women joined the call. The talk started. The much awaited journey started from here. Well, I’m talking about the 1st ever hangout call that was arranged specially for women […]

It’s time to change.

हेलो फ्रेंड्स,मेरा नाम अक्षय रावल है. मै अभी कोयम्बटूर में रहता हूं।आज मैं यहां पर अपने आप मे जो बदलाव आया है.वह मै आप लोगो को बताना चाहता हु। मै पिछले एक महीने से volunteering stammering का काफी यूज़ कर रहा हु।जिसमे मैं हरेक तकनीक को यूज़ करता हु।जो कि मैने सीखी है। टीसा से,सोशल […]

BLR SHG meeting 10 Feb 2019

BLR SHG meeting (10 Feb 2019) Attendees: (L to R)- Annasaheb, Saurav, Karthik, Sudhanshu, Ankit, Prashant. Venue: Cubbon Park, near central library. Time: 10 AM to 1 PM Initially, since we were only 3 members (Karthik, me and Prashant), we informally started discussion on stammering, interview situations, attitude of people/ colleagues towards PWS. Then meeting […]

Bhopal SHG meeting – 10 Feb 2019

Location of the meeting – shahjhani park, bhopal. Timing -4 Pm to 6 Pm Good evening everyone. I am M K harsh from Bhopal madhya pradesh. Today we had conducted the SHG meeting in bhopal . One big change,i am noticing in the meetings of Bhopal SHG is that now we are doing those activities […]

Power of Acceptance and TISA MOOC

    Dr. Humayun ( NRS Medical College, Kolkata ) incidence 1: May 2018, had gone for the AIIMS exam. While verification of admit card I stammer badly in front of many people. I felt ashamed of myself. It’s like I did some crime. Could not concentrate on the exam as usual & got the worst […]

Have You Ever Wondered ? ( K-K-K-Katy)

HAVE YOU EVER WONDERED?   “K-K-K-Katy” was a popular World War I-era song written by Canadian American composer Geoffrey O’Hara in 1917 and published in 1918. The sheet music advertised it as “The Sensational Stammering Song Success Sung by the Soldiers and Sailors”, as well as “The Sensational New Stammering Song” The song was first […]

BLR SHG meeting 3 Feb 2019

BLR SHG meeting (3 Feb 2019) Attendees: (L to R)- Sharath, Mohit, Annasaheb, Karthik, Sudhanshu, Asim. Venue: Cubbon Park, near central library. Time: 10 AM to 1 PM Meeting started with our introduction round. Each one of us gave our introduction and told about our association with TISA. In prepared speeches round me, Asim, Karthik […]

The hidden power of smiling

Smiling can trick your brain into believing you’re happy which can then spur actual feelings of happiness. But it doesn’t end there. Dr. Murray Grossan, an ENT-otolaryngologist in Los Angeles points to the science of psychoneuroimmunology (the study of how the brain is connected to the immune system), asserting that it has been shown “over and […]

Humans of TISA ( Dixit Arora )

  Dixit Arora is a Sr Analyst at Infosys BPM Ltd. He studied MBA at IMT Ghaziabad. He comes from a Middle class family in Delhi and completed his studies here itself. TISA taught him to take small initiatives towards self help and accept and live a happy and satisfied life. He joined Tisa in […]