दिल्ली संचार कार्यशाला: एक कदम सपनों को हकीकत में बदलने की ओर . . .

देश की राजधानी नईदिल्ली में द इण्डियन स्टैमरिंग एसोसिएशन (तीसा) की 2 दिवसीय संचार कार्यशाला 22 एवं 23 अप्रैल 2017 को आयोजित की गई। होटल एसपीबी 87 पर हुई इस कार्यशाला में देशभर के 30 प्रतिभागियों ने भाग लिया। प्रतिभागियों में प्रमुख रूप से गरिमा, जगदीश मेवाड़ा, रामनिवास मीणा, ब्रजेश फौजदार, वरूण प्रताप सिंह, साहिल […]

Delhi WS – Thanks for support

Hi Guys , Hope all are doing great and i am also doing good.  Delhi workshop is now become a nice memory of past . A lot of things learnt from participants , orgnisers which i am sharing soon . Photos of delhi workshop is sharing soon – but i am adding link of a […]

Mangalore Communication Workshop

Date: Friday-Sunday: 16th – 18th June 2017 Timing: 9 am to 6 pm (if coming from out of town, try to reach the evening before we begin) Venue & Accommodation: COPD Institute for Social Development (http://www.codpindia.com) Who can attend? Newcomers based in/around Mangalore limited seats Facilitators: Dr. Sachin, Harish Usgaonkar What is a communication workshop? Some examples…  White Paper on Comm Workshop 07-17 […]

Sahil’s story – delhi workshop biography challenge

My name is sahil.My father is central government employee,I have one brother 3 year older than me and my mom is housewife.My childhood is spent in Delhi and it was awesome.I remember I have negligible stammering as a child  but I have speech disorder “Apraxia”   but with time it disappeared.There is no such problem […]

Mumbai SHG MoM April 9

SHG Meeting ?: YMCA Ghatkopar ?: 2:30-5pm ?: Today, ☀day April 9 Theme: Dnt shutup but bounce Agenda: – Introduction??‍♂ – Facing Fears? – Control of secondary behaviours consciously??‍♂ -Energizer?? -Joke activity? -Fun activity?? -Health tip? -Action plan for the week?? Host -Ashu ? Co-host -Everyone? It was funnnn?. Join us every Sunday in Mumbai! […]

Mumbai SHG MoM April 16

A PRESENT-minded meeting.. we met at YMCA Ghatkopar. As each one came in, we greeted each other, and asked simple questions – “small talk”, before the BIG talk :). We started off with the Uncle Joe game. We are packing Uncle Joe’s bag before he goes on a trip. Each one of us packed something, and […]

TOI Features Bangalore SHG

Dear All, Bangalore SHG has been consistently doing a great contributions to TISA’s self-help movement for stammering. Times of India (Bangalore) has recognized the SHG’s efforts and featured them in today’s edition. Read here the article on e-paper. Congratulations Bangalore SHG, keep up the great stuff you have always been doing!!

हमारी सोचबन्दी!

देश में शराबन्दी, नोटबन्दी और रोमियोबन्दी शब्द सुनने के बाद एक नया शब्द मेरे सामने आया है – हमारी सोचबन्दी। एक दिन टीवी चैनल पर जैन धर्मगुरू ने बहुत सुन्दर बात कही- आज हर व्यक्ति राजनीति का मास्टर है। मोदी जी को ऐसा नहीं करना चाहिए, मोदी जी को वैसा नहीं करना था। अरे! आप […]

This is my style…

My daughter Swara stammers since her early childhood,just like me. Her stammering is overt. I try to make her understand… I talk to her so much..I listen to  her talks too, with much love.. At times she takes more than five minutes to complete a sentence. Still I listen to her with patience.. I try […]