Ghaziabad Self help Group meeting | Begins !!!

We are going to start Ghaziabad Self Help Group meetup followed by Delhi Self Help Group from 13th May Meeting will take place every Sunday at Swarna Jayanti Park, Indirpuram at sharp 5 o clock ( Timing can be manage as per the majority) Host : Vishal Gupta Meeting Duration : 2 hours (max) Agenda : […]

कौन कहता है – एक सच

कई बार जीवन की गहराईयो में हम ये पता नहीं लगा पाते की कौन कहता है की ये सच है या वो सच है – आशा करता हु इस लाइन से आप बहुत भ्रमित हो गए होंगे तो बात को थोड़ा और अचे से समझाता हु ! हम अपने जीवन में जो करना चाहते है […]

मै क्यों करू शर्म !

हाल ही में,  मै सेंट्रल पार्क में बैठा था और बीच में एक स्टेज टाइप की जगह है वहां सर्किल में सारे लोग बैठे रहते है – कुछ परिवार वाले, कुक प्रेमी प्रेमिका, कुछ दोस्त और कुछ दोस्तों की मंडली, अचानक से मय वहां धुप लेने के लिए जा रहा था  कुछ वक़्त अपने स्वयं […]

Grand SHG Meeting Report | what to say ? was it dream ? seriously ? we did it ? want to know ? read the post carefully

Let me start with few lines of Rudyard Kippling poem “IF” If you can dream—and not make dreams your master; If you can think—and not make thoughts your aim; Guys, its we – who create change, who invent impossible things, who find happiness without reason, who smile in any way, who find us at our best, who […]

Delhi SHG Report | 23rd October Meeting, ISAD 2016

TISA Delhi SHG Weekly Meeting Report written by Sunoy Garai

23 October, 2016, Sunday


Full album link is here :

The meeting was held at India Gate this time. The host Mr. Dinesh Kumar Ola suggested a different

venue this time as he thought that there would be a variety of strangers at India Gate and we

stammerers could build some confidence by talking to the strangers, especially foreigners.

The meeting started at 11 a.m. and was attended by eight Delhi SHG members, Dinesh Kumar Ola

(Host), Vikas Ranga (Co-host), Sunoy Garai, Madhav, Anurag, Anurag Mishra, Vivek Maurya and

Prajwal. The meeting started with a brief introduction of every member, especially focussing on the

positives and negatives of one’s personality. Mr. Ola, the host, suggested that this meeting would be

one of a kind where members could talk freely without any fear and sharing any funny or

adventurous incidents with other members. Unlike other meetings, this meeting was kind of

unplanned, but ironically that turned out to be a very good thing as the rounds were decided on the

spot with everyone’s views and the meeting turned out to be one of the best meetings.

Read more about Delhi SHG Report | 23rd October Meeting, ISAD 2016

Delhi SHG meeting | 4th September | Venue : Jantar Mantar se chandni chowk tak.

Delhi SHG Meeting 4th September . Venue : Jantar Mantar Host : Gaurav/Vishal/Vikas Timing : 11 am ( Sharp ) कृपया  किसी  तरह  का विलम्ब  न  करे सावधान ! यह स्वयं सहायता समूह इस बार सहज प्रयास करेगा चांदनी चौक की गलियो में और आस पास जाकर लोगो से हकलाने के बारे में पूछेंगे और […]

DELHI SHG Meeting Report | Acceptance After Freedom*

Last Sunday SHG meeting was held in Jantar Mantar. Meeting start at 11:00 AM. Members are  Vishal(Host) , Dinesh(Host), Rahul, Jagriti, Anshul, Rahim, Pawan, Rajat, Ravi jaga, Shilender, Nitin, Raman, Gaurav, Prajwal, Arunesh and Jitender . Meeting was based on threefold way-choose the gear, work hard & observe yourself(self-evaluation). Meeting had 6 activities:- 1. WORK […]

Delhi SHG meeting at Jantar Mantar on 21st August

दिनांक २१ अगस्त २०१६ जगह : जंतर मंतर ( पास का मेट्रो – राजीव चौक – गेट नंबर ६ ) समय : ११ बजे से २ बजे तक मीटिंग को चलाने वाला – विशाल और दिनेश हमे आपसे क्या चाहिए – थोड़ा सा धैर्य और चेहरे पे मुस्कान मीटिंग तीन तरह से होगी क्योंकि इस बार मीटिंग का पैमाना […]