Bangalore SHG Aug 31, 2013 meeting report

P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm; direction: ltr; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); widows: 2; orphans: 2; } We wander for distraction, but we travel for fulfillment. Greetings all, Hope this finds each one of you healthy, wise and joyous. The weekend at the SHG was in good spirits with Piyush taking the baton of organizing the session. […]

How meditation is useful in stammering, what is the best time for meditation?

Many PWS believe that stammering is not something which I do- it is something mysterious that just happens to me unconsciously. Our subconscious mind erases stammering moments from the inner memory tape and therefore we cannot recall what did we actually do, how did we actually feel and react in that moment. And therefore, we […]

Toastmasters & Stammering

Toastmasters & Stammering. Can the two really go together? Many would consider them contradictory. I consider them complementary. I joined Toastmasters in January 2010. The primary reason I joined was because I stammer – I have been since I was eight years old. A friend had told me “Toastmasters makes you a better public speaker”. […]

Chennai chapter meeting (30.06.2013) Report

The Chennai SHG meeting held on 30.06.2013 at Anna nagar Tower park were attended by 5 pws namely Gnanasekaran, Karthikeyan, Prabu Francin, Karunyamurthy and Manimaran. First of all thanks to Gnanasekaran who has organized this meeting. No formal introduction was required as we know very well each other’s. Before the commencement of meeting Gnanasekaran informed […]

A courageous PWS may try this!

Joseph Sheehan(1918-1983) Joseph Green Sheehan was born May 27, 1918, Battle Creek, Michigan. Sheehan “overcame a severe stuttering handicap,” and “was a noted authority on speech.” He was an educator, clinical psychologist and author. He established the Psychology Speech Clinic at the University of California at Los Angeles in 1949 and directed it until the […]

Bangalore SHG May 18, 2013 meeting report

Hello All, Here is the report for Bangalore SHG meeting on 18th May 2013. We started on a different schedule from 2-3 PM than usual sunday schedule.Attendees for this meeting were Dinesh,Abhinav,Fransis, Anshuman,Subodh,Navdeep,Sairam, Nishil and me Avnish. Fransis was new member to our SHG group. We initially started with reading of self help manual as […]

Today’s Stuttering Quotes (15.05.2013)

STUTTER VOLUNTARILY 1.Your fear of stuttering is based largely on your shame and hatred of it. The fear is also based on playing the phony role of pretending your stuttering does not exist. (Sheehan) 2.When the stutterer does voluntary stuttering, he can say to himself, “I am doing the thing I fear. Also I realize that I can change […]

Today’s Stuttering Quotes (14.05.2013)

BEHAVIOUR OF STUTTERING 1.Every stutterer will have some ups and downs and the course of improvement is seldom a smooth course. (Kamhi) 2.Despite progress there will be occasional days of poor talking for disorganizing stresses are sure to intervene. (Bluemel) 3.The central problem of treatment is not the difficulty of bringing about fluency, but the high probability […]

Today’s Stuttering Quotes (13.05.2013)

STUTTERER’S WRONG BELIEF 1.The stutterer believes that the most important communication in speech is to avoid stuttering at all costs. (Trotter) 2.What happens is this: The successful avoidance causes some anxiety reduction. Then, when a similar situation presents itself, the need to avoid is even stronger due to the preceding reinforcement. But now, no avoidance is possible. The conflict […]

Today’s Stuttering Quotes (12.05.2013)

LEARN TO COPE UP WITH TIME PRESSURE 1.Panic, tension, and an overwhelming urgency are the hallmarks of stuttering;they are what you must overcome. Totally resist any feelings of hurry and pressure. Let ’em wait. (J. D. Williams) 2.A basic feature of stuttering behavior is that the stutterer is under time pressure to a great extent. The stutterer […]

Today’s Stuttering Quotes (11.05.2013)

FREELY ADMIT YOUR STUTTERING & DISICUSS YOUR PROBLEMS 1.Many stutterers learn that their greatest enemies are fear and tension.(Aten) 2.No problem is solved by denying its existence. (Brown) 3.Whenever you have an opportunity to discuss your stuttering with someone,do it! (La Porte) 4.This involves telling friends and colleagues that you are a stutterer working on your […]

Today’s Stuttering Quotes (08.05.2013)

ESTABLISH GOOD EYE CONTACT 1.Establish eye contact before you begin to speak. Two or three seconds of quiet eye contact can get you off to a better start. (Sheehan) 2.Try to maintain eye contact with your listeners. Looking away severs the communication link with your audience and convinces them that you are ashamed and disgusted with the way […]