How meditation is useful in stammering, what is the best time for meditation?

Many PWS believe that stammering is not something
which I do- it is something mysterious that just happens to me unconsciously. Our
subconscious mind erases stammering moments from the inner memory tape and
therefore we cannot recall what did we actually do, how did we actually feel
and react in that moment. And therefore, we are unable to do anything about it.

So if PWS want to improve his communication skill,
he should be more AWARE during block, he should be more ALERT about his mind
(Thoughts, emotions etc.) and about his Body (eye blinks, holding breath,
sudden hand movement etc.). As during stammering, something happens unconsciously,

And only meditation can give super-alertness
or awareness. Actually meditation is a process of increasing awareness either concentrating
on Breath or contemplating on Chakra or chosen deity or Guru either inner side
or outer side and if one is aware , can do transformation in himself.

As much one
immerse in meditation, his mind becomes calm, peaceful and in Alpha frequency state (8-12 Hz), which is ideal for our
overall health as our all 7 chakra oscillate on alpha frequency (each chakra
related to one gland) and it is perfect for transmitting neuron signals also. But
whenever one feel anxiety, tension, fear or depression like strong negative emotions,
transmission of neuron signal gets disturbed, chakra start to oscillate on hypo
or hyper frequency and result is several diseases.  

meditation is helpful many ways..

is best time for meditation?

only PWS, now every person is bearing tensions, anxiety and is a part of cut
throat competition , so remain whole day in Beta frequency (15-18Hz) in hyper
tension, so duringsleeps also, he remains in beta frequency or maximum,  go to alpha frequency, but if somebody start
to meditate before sleep, his mind
will be in Alpha frequency (8-12 Hz) before sleep, so he may go to Theta frequency
(4-8 Hz) during dream, in REM( rapid eye movement) cycle and in deep sleep , he
may achieve delta frequency (0-4 Hz).  And
by this he can get more powerful super-conscious mind to re-program
subconscious or unconscious mind. And it increase Aura (a electro-magnetic
field) also.
acceptance necessary?
As per ancient spiritual science, our mind has 3
part , 18% conscious mind, 80 % subconscious mind and 2% super conscious mind. Most
of memories and emotions are stored in subconscious mind. Emotions are 10 times
stronger than thought.  Map (blue print) of
90% disease is created in mind as brain have more than 50 million thousand
neurons and every neuron connected to 50,000 other neurons. So any blockage in one
neuron can block sensation in thousands of sub-neurons.

 “body is slave of mind, if you want to change
in body, you have to change in mind” otherwise disease may reoccur. This is
common in many disease i.e. B.P., Diabetes, heart block, tumor, stone problem. So
to break the cycle of relapse of any disease, one must have to break the wrong
pattern  of thoughts, belief and emotions.
By breaking the wrong attachment of emotions, one can achieve permanent cure.   And acceptance
detach PWS from fear, hatred, shame and guilt. So without acceptance and breaking
wrong pattern  , not only stammering ,
other disease also can not be cured.
watch videos (link given below) for more elaborated explanation of this theory

Post Author: Harish Usgaonker

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