4th (last) day, 4th Mini ComWS

Pics: 1. Mock Interview followed by feedback 2. Writing a review. 3 & 4. A Presentation: Tentative Plan for self-change

We reviewed the videos of the previous day, discussed the body language as shown in the video and other variables of communication (volume, pitch, comfort level, participatory nature etc.). The participants were asked to write down their “review” of the workshop so far. Next, a mock interview was organized with a senior Anugrah officer (pic 1).
There after we saw and discussed “Front of the class” movie. This movie has many messages for PWS. In fact, stammering and Tourrete Syndrome share common genetic origin and other features. After lunch, participants made a presentation on: A tentative plan for self-change. Parmanand and Pawan joined a little later and discussed the importance of self motivation and a tangible practical plan to stick to. Mind often plays tricks and says: how can you plan until you have all the information about this or that? But a good plan can always be changed. It need not be a verdict in stone. A cup of coffee at Bheem’s and then we wished each other and said good byes (for the time being- I guess).

Here is the early feedback from one of the participants (excerpts):

“Today is the last day of the workshop on stammering; So I want to give my views; Focus on acceptance is the best part of this workshop. Next best thing for me was that I gave my introduction to a group of more than fifteen people; I had to give intro to many more people using all the words which have been ‘difficult’ for me. Another good thing was – the workshop provided me with the opportunities for mock interviews, formal presentations etc. In other words, the workshop pushed us into situations from which we have been running away habitually. I personally got new view of the world and of myself. Yes, we were also taught some good tools to improve fluency but I must go back and practice in order to decide how good these are…Thank you TISA.”

Post Author: Sachin

3 thoughts on “4th (last) day, 4th Mini ComWS

    rahul raut dessai

    (September 2, 2010 - 6:45 am)

    great going dr. sachin…….
    looking forward to read from the participants about their experiences.


    (September 2, 2010 - 9:04 am)

    Hi everyone, the real challenge starts now..As sachin mentioned, self motivation will play a great role. Very soon your old patterns will try to overpower you. So be ready mentally, emotionally, physical, Psychologically for the new way of living..Good luck everone..God bless all.


    (September 3, 2010 - 7:52 am)

    I congratualate the team for completing thr workshop successfully and keeping us up to date with their activities..:)

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