Written By Alok Kundnani (PWS & TISA Volunteer, Delhi SHG) That was already a bad day for me as I had a lot of pending work to finish off. The awesome weather was the culprit. It was not letting me concentrate on my work. That afternoon, the sky turned red after a drizzle but […]
Lockdown : A new beginning
I have arrived Bhopal on 23nd March to leave my wife and three year old daughter in my laws home. On this day government announced the Janta carfue. Same evening announced 21 days full lockdown till 14th April I had felt very tense because no any chance to return my home town. All mode of […]
Mindfulness Sessions Online
A little virus has changed our lives – forever it seems. Being one of the most resilient species on Earth, we are adapting, learning and carrying on with our lives. One major change in TISA is : we are offering many online hangouts now to our community which is scattered all over the globe. Today […]
A Wonderful Hangout meeting
TISA recently organized a wonderful interactive three days’ communication workshop at Siliguri, West Bengal with an ambition to change the negative mindset towards stammering, boost inner confidence and assist in becoming a self-help person. For discussing the lifelong messages from the workshop, continuing the encouragement and practice of valuable speaking techniques, a successful TISA hangout […]
Post Traumatic Growth
I had come across this term a few days back while watching a positive Psychiatry video on Coursera. I had normally heard the opposite term: Post Traumatic Stress disorder (PTSD). This was something new and unexpected: What good can one get out of the horrors of a terrorist attack or childhood abuse? You can only […]
Before and after Siliguri workshop
(Stranger talk during workshop) I am Arun a software engineer by profession am from District Purulia of west bengal currently in TCS and obviously a PWS. Have been a member of TISA for last 1.5- 2 yrs with out being a active member or get involved myself with it activity until very recently. I will […]
Fun, Productive and Interactive TISA SHG Meeting- Patna- 1 March 2020
Our Agenda – Member Introduction – Introduction of techniques – Story shared by every member (Where they shared how they tackle difficult situation, His feeling on stuttering) – 3 minute – Session by Anant (Recovered stammered) On Detailed discussion on stuttering strategies, smart strategies, Mental blocks. – Number telling game (Inspired by SILIGURI WORKSHOP) – […]
सिलिगुड़ी वर्कशाप के अनुभव
मेरा नाम रघुवीर सिंह ठाकुर है। मैं मध्यप्रदेश का रहने वाला हूं। 14 से 16 फरवरी तक सिलिगुड़ी में आयोजित यह मेरी पहली वर्कशाप थी। मैं भोपाल से सिलिगुड़ी 36 घण्टे का सफर करने के बाद पंहुचा। पहले दिन हमें बाउंसिंग, प्रोगांलसिएशन, पाजिंग, वालेन्टरी स्टैमरिंग, ब्लाक करेक्शन के बारे में बताया गया। सभी लोगों ने […]
Financial Transparency : Siliguri Communication Workshop
TISA Communication Workshop conducted successfully in Siliguri (West Bengal) dated 14th-16th 2020. Here we are sharing receipt and payment account of this event. The Indian Stammering Association (TISA) Communication Workshop – Siliguri (14th-16 February 2020) Receipt and Payment Account (As on 24.02.2020) Receipt Amount (Cr.) Payment Amount (Dr.) Opening balance from TISA fund 10000 Lodge […]
Vikasnagar Communication Workshop
Workshop cancelled. Please don’t register. 13-15 March 2020 (Fri-Sun), Vikasnagar TISA will be conducting a three day communication workshop in Vikasnagar (40 Km from Dehradun)- for people who stammer, especially from North India and first timers. Medium will be Hindi and English. JP, Pawan and Sachin will be facilitating it. Goal is to address your […]
सिलिगुड़ी के नए सकारात्मक बदलाव
हाल ही में तीसा द्वारा पूर्वोत्तर भारत के मशहूर शहर सिलिगुड़ी में 3 दिवसीय संचार कार्यशाला सम्पन्न हुई। कार्यशाला के बाद प्रतिभागियों के जीवन में आए सकारात्मक बदलाव एवं उनके द्वारा की जा रही कोशिशों पर चर्चा करने के लिए विशेष आनलाइन गूगल हैंगआउट मीटिंग का आयोजन 23 फरवरी 2020 रविवार को प्रातः 8 से […]
Siliguri Communication Workshop
Introduction Tisa organised this workshop in collaboration with Medica North Bengal Clinic (MNBC) in Siliguri for people who stammer (pws) on 14-16 Feb 2020. Participants 17 people who stammer from West Bengal, Bihar and Madhya Pradesh – ages ranging from 23-55 years. Three facilitators were from Dehradun (Satyendra), Gorakhpur (Manjulika) and Bhopal (Amit). Proceedings Day […]
TISA Workshop: Looking back to look forward
Bengaluru : 18-19 Jan 2020
This workshop was different from our communication workshops, since here the focus was less on stammering and more on visualizing a meaningful future for ourselves. It was based on some ideas from Futures Thinking course at Coursera, taught by Jane McGonigal.
Three main ideas here are: We rarely do justice to the potential of future and fall into the common trap of assuming that our future will be like our present, just a little better perhaps! Secondly, visualizing future scenarios is better than opting for definite forecasts: we do want to work with and shape our future till the last minute than to set it in concrete. “Best thing about the future is that there are no facts in future” – everything is a possibility. Thirdly, we need to study ten years of past in order to make a five year forecast. In other words, knowing who we have been, how have we reacted to challenges in the past is an important step in this process.
About 40 participants, from Bengaluru: most were from IT background and all were connected to Bengaluru self help group. Facilitation was done by Dr Satyendra, assisted by Dinesh, Abhinav, Dhruv, Noura, Ankit, Nishil and others from the Bangluru SHG.
Thematic Outline
On day one, we used a PRA tool (TIMELINE) to chart our past, since birth, exploring various dimensions: relationships, education, training, career, major illness and loss etc. Based on this we tried to understand our emotional reactions, patterns and our skills: cognitive, emotional and professional; this was done to sum up ourselves as a person faced with emerging and uncertain future.
On day two, we developed some scenarios. 5-10 years from now – and what personal and professional changes we need to make, in order to reach there. We had a very interesting discussion with three HR managers at the end of the workshop.
Read more about TISA Workshop: Looking back to look forward …
1st Assam SHG Meeting: 19th January, 2020
Kudos to Dipankar Gogoi, who took the first step in forming the Assam SHG group when he created the Assam SHG forum (https://stammer.in/self-help-groups/assam/) in 2016 . Thanks to Satyajit Barman, Diganta Deka and Dipankar Gogoi who took the initiative to form a whatapp group with the idea to connect with fellow pws(people who stammer) in […]
Guidelines for TISA Events (NC, Get together etc.)
1. Since these events are primarily meant to promote self-help and to provide a platform to people who stammer, at no time, should the stage be allowed to be used by other organisations (Vipassna, Toastmaster etc.) — or normal speakers, unless they have been formally invited as a guest/ technical expert. Some example of these […]
To see Clearly
I just finished a ten day Vipassna in Rajasthan and thoroughly enjoyed it ( I also drove a bike – gixxer 155 – to and fro Churu!). Since Vipassna is all about experiencing first hand whatever there is to be realised (rather than talking about concepts), I will desist from saying more about it! You […]
TISA Seven Sisters Initiative I Communication Workshop in Silliguri 14, 15, 16 Feb. 2019 I Registration Open I
UPDATES: 18 participants have registered. Please hurry! To promote self-help for people who stammer, in the North East region (“Seven sisters”) of India, TISA is conducting series of workshops in that region. First three day workshop cum get-together is planned at Siliguri (Medica Hospital) on 14,15,16 February 2020. You are welcome to register. People from […]
Mumbai SHG – Dec 15, 2019
Participants: Nikhil, Ishan,Saurabh,Rahim, Vishal, Dhruv Date: Sunday, Dec 15 Time: 2 – 4 pm Venue: Lakers Rotary Center, Powai https://goo.gl/maps/DMQuXem6ueEjSzDx9 Agenda: – Silence / relaxation through conscious slow breathing 🤱🏽(5 mins) – Change Game – meet & greet each other 1-1 and then change partners 🙏🏽(15 mins) – Energizer – bum game or naani paani […]
विकलांग नहीं हूं मैं …
आज 3 दिसम्बर विश्व विकलांग दिवस के अवसर पर विकलांगजनों की तरफ से मेरे द्वारा लिखी गई एक कविता – विकलांग नहीं हूं मैं … कहने को विकलांग हूं मैं सबकी नजरों में बेचारा और असहाय! किसी ने पूर्व जन्म का पाप बताया तो किसी ने प्रकृति को दोषी बनाया! मेरी बुद्धि को दूसरों से […]
Communication Workshop at Bangalore on Jan 18, 19, 2020
Hi Team, Sachin is visiting us in January. Let’s have a communication workshop with Sachin on Jan 18, 19, 2020 As a self-help group, we have grown a lot in the last 2 years and those of us who do not know about Sachin – he is the one because of which TISA exists and […]