Face the Fear and Rise above it!

Dear Friends,
The Chennai chapter meeting on 8th March were attended by 15 pws.As usual, everyone sang a song at the beginning. Then, every one asked to speak first slowly with pausing of 3 secs between sentences. Then, voluntary stuttering.Though some pws finding it difficult at the beginning, but after some time they started enjoying it talking in this manner without stammering. As part of theory, it was taught about modifying these feeling towards stammering giving the following handout.

1. Every Stutterer will have some ups and downs and the course of improvement is seldom a smooth course.
2. Despite progress, there will be occasional days of poor talking, for disorganizing stresses are sure to intervene.
3. We are all different; what helps one Stutterer may not work for another.
4. Fluency, like confidence comes slowly and slips back from time to time.
5. Dont waste your time and frustrate yourself by trying to speak perfect fluency.
6. If you followed the guidelines that taught to you, you have found that you can control your difficulty partially through modifying your feelings
and attitudes towards your stuttering and partially modifying the abnormal action associated with your stuttering behavior.
7. Why difficulty of saying your name? Because one’s name carries
a heavy self-concept psychological load. It identifies one. It represents the
whole person. Also there is no possibility of substituting another name for
one’s own name.
8. Should you work to be less sensitive? If you are less sensitive
about stuttering, those around will be more comfortable in your presence. This
will make you more at ease and you will stutter less and it goes on. It is a
vicious circle.
9. You must learn to desensitise yourself to the reaction of others
and refuse to let people’s actual or imaged responses to your stuttering that
continue to affect your mental health or peace of mind.
10. Stuttering is a disorder, which can be worsened by ill treatment. Many well- meaning but ignorant individuals by their suggestions and reactions have made the stuttering not only more difficult to bear but also more
severe and frequent.

Thats all from Chennai
V. Manimaran
Mobile: 098842 89989

Post Author: Sachin