My Thoughts

My Thoughts regarding stammering :Date :1st July,2010
I have stammering problem from the childhood. Yesterday evening I met Mr. Jasbir Singh Sandhu (very senior officer in the central Govt. department) who was there to help others. I have come to know about Mr. Sandhu from the internet site . Mr. Jasbir Singh told me that he also had this problem. But to my astonishment I have not noticed even single instance of stammer in our long talk of more then one and half hour .I think that the reason that he is working on the problem constantly to overcome is successful. We discussed openly about the problem. The meeting and discussing of the problem openly was very distressing .We openly discussed our incidents in our school and college life. Some of the points we discussed

• At one point of the time the problem was very severe. It was even obstructing our normal way of life. But when the person decides to work on it to overcome the handicap, that moment is the starting point for the improvement. Then there are different defense mechanisms to overcome the problem like
-not speaking at all.
-speaking bare minimum.
-using alternate words to express your thoughts.
-avoid the difficult words.
-using hand in front of your mouth when facing the problem.

• But with all these defense mechanisms the problem will never go but will be permanent feature of the personality. So why not use the defense mechanism which will help in having more control on our speech and subsequently overcoming the problem itself. The defense mechanism is Deep Breathing. Most often when you are talking have a deep breath and then exhale little bit before speaking gently.

• Now I am writing about my problem and fears:
I often get stuck on some words like:
Three, Two ,Hallo, Talvara, Tarun, Sherry ,tanveen,

Today I Have also visited PGI for speech Therapy. And the crux of the meeting with the team of speech therapist was:
-If problem is there, then we have to face it and challenge it. Then only we can overcome the fear of some words in our mind.
The speech therapist advised me to take the deep breath and exhale little bit before speaking gently. I will try to practice this technique then I will share my experience with all of you. Now a days I am practicing the technique for difficult words for me like Hello .I say a Hallo.This is helping me.

(Congratulations, Paramjit. By sharing openly, our problems become half. By helping ourselves, the other half is taken care of. Welcome to TISA family!)

Post Author: Sachin

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