News @ Hyderabad SHG Meetup on 5th May

Achieve your dreams and don’t hurt your dreams by wasting time. Life and Time are precious.
Members who attended the meeting are:
1.Ramu (NEW) 2.Bhaskar 3.Mahesh 4.Vallinaygam 5.Arun 6.Rajesh

Activities happened in meeting
1. Meditation
2. Speech Pattern alteration.
3. Basic info of stammering (as new member has come)
4. Vipasana course intro by Vallinayagam
5. Sudharsahana Kriya intro by Vallinayagam.
6. Voluntary stuttering in GVK mall
7. Pizza party by Vallinayagam.

Mr.Ramu is an engineering student and he lives with their happy family in Hyderabad.
He has great dreams to be achieved as a student.
We all gave a welcome introduction to him.

Speech pattern alteration – In this activity we tried to change the patterns of the way we speak. We tried to first think the context which can help us prepare the content on the fly and then we raise our hand and speak about the context. And again down the hand after we delivered the context. Now again next context and the cycle continues. This will make a change in the way we speak. It was a miracle when all realized its magic after practicing for few minutes.

Vallinayagam has explained us about Vipasana and Sudhrashana Kriya in brief. He also explained how to do meditation.

Voluntary stuttering – We all have done voluntary stuttering in GVK mall with sales team in mall by doing window shopping. After we finished this activity Vallinayagam has given us Pizza party  in Papa jones, we enjoyed the treat and wished each other for the coming week.

Together We Step Up and Together Succeed.

Rajesh V

Post Author: Harish Usgaonker