One Day Conference & Mumbai SHG Meeting

Yaaayyyyy…. Finally, the day came 27th may’17. Mumbai SHG has organized the one-day mini conference, even some Pune SHG people has joined us for the meet and that was super fun. Some SHG members came early to settle room, for sticking flyers, banners, etc. also we got new TISA Red color T-Shirt.. :).
Below are the further meeting details:

PWS with artificial Block face….LOL

Total Attendee: 30
Date: 27/05/2017 (Saturday)
Time:9.30 AM to 5.00PM
Venue: K.J.Somaiya Management Building, Vidyavihar, Mumbai


The meeting starts with Ashu introducing meeting and timing rules. Many new PWS were present for meeting so to better know each other following activity was performed.
Activity Name: Know Each Other
Activity Facilitator: Dhruv Gupta
Activity Time allocated: 75 min
Activity in Detail: Groups has been made according to the zodiac sign. Groups have been given 20 to 30 min of time to talk with other and to find out common and different trade according to the zodiac sign. Everyone was having their own quality and passion except one i.e laziness…LOL.. :D.. almost everyone accepted bravely that they are lazy.. 😛 …. Final report for activity has been submitted by one of the members of each group.

Jayesh summing about his group in zodiac


After knowing each other it was time for snacks. As environment getting hot and to have one step towards detoxification we had arranged some fruit… 🙂 .. (15 min)

Completing break,
Ground rules, TISA’s value and Iceberg of stammering get explained by Vishal and Tarun very well.

Reframing the Stammering/Stuttering Iceberg Analogy

Tisa Guidelines and Rules


It was time to learn from real experience by our friends.
and the next segment start “What has helped me”:
1) Vipul Patil from Pune SHG shared his experienced how “Running” has helped him in his difficult time.Below are some points he has mentioned:
1)) turning from depression to normal life
2)) helps to stay fit
3)) not only he but people surrounding him stay motivated
4)) feel inspired
5)) charged him up, etc
also, he has run the 10km marathon in 58 min… Cudos to Vipul….

Vipul on how Exercising helped him


2)Peerbhai who has joined Mumbai SHG recently shared his experience over “Bramhavidya”. 45 min session was very fruitful and informative as most of us were new to “Bramhvidya”. Some important point from his session are:
1)) Don’t start your day with WhatsApp or newspaper
2)) Do have goal in your life
3)) Everyday get up with joy, etc
He also has shared very good books with us and he will be sharing more books in future.
The whole segment has been linked below:

Peerbhai on how Brahmavidhya helped him

Peerbhai on how Brahmavidhya helped me (Part 2)


Completing with “What has helped me” segment, we took the group picture and then everyone started to feel hungry .. LOL… To help our stomach we rush towards Somaiya mess to have tasty lunch.

post-lunch to remove laziness our Vipul has come up with a weird and nice idea.
Activity name: Living your Idea
Activity Facilitator: Vipul Patil
Activity Time: 15 min
Activity in detail: Everyone has given 2 min to think and come up with their different weird activity to be performed during stammering. Everyone did very well like stammering during laughing, exercising, acting like the duck, pushup, robots,etc.. Mumbai SHG surely going to implement this activity for SHG. 😛

Vipul’s Live Your Idea Activity – Group 1

Vipul’s Live Your Idea Activity – Group 2

Vipul’s Live Your Idea Activity – Group 3

Prasad being a stammering robot

Learnings from Live Your Idea Activity by Vipul


Nikhil, singer of Mumbai SHG shared his experience how TISA has helped him.

The video is attached below.

Nikhil on how TISA has helped me


Mumbai SHG recently has implemented new communication manual for SHG, in terms to have more organized SHG meetings and for betterment for all of us. Prasad gave his project-2 speech and share his experience.


There was a great Chinese writer according to our beloved Abhinav who has written Chik Chik Kore song.. which is having deep meaning … so much deep that you can swim in it…LOL… yes, next activity was named “Chik Chik Kore…”… It’s difficult to explain this activity cause this need to be watched:

Abhinav leading OH MY CHI CHI

Abhinav’s selfie in OH MY CHI CHI


Role Play was the most enjoyed section from the conference. each group comes up with something different and everyone was with full of energy and enthusiasm.

Classroom Skit that gets out of hand

Skit of Misogynistic Marriage Proposal


It was time to calm yourself, we did 30 min vipassana.Pictures/ Audio linked below.

Vipassana meditation audio-recording

During Vipassana

The happening day was to end by starting with open mic session .. 🙂 … Actually, 40 min were short for us.LOL.. The most inspirational line I noted down as “Do have the goal bigger than your stammering”… :D…

At last roles has been decided for next Mumbai SHG meeting according to SHG manual.

Thank you.

Post Author: Bhavana

4 thoughts on “One Day Conference & Mumbai SHG Meeting


    (May 29, 2017 - 8:17 am)

    Wow! I am so impressed…. Mumbai group, facilitated by Dhruv and team, has achieved a new mile stone.
    BTW, I am Leo- and I too spent first half of my life dreaming of GREAT visions (with NO follow up!!).. ha ha ha..
    Thank you Peerbhai, for your time and enthusiasm.
    Let us have more of such gatherings..

    Amitsingh Kushwaha

    (May 29, 2017 - 11:29 am)

    Wow, Great meeting. Congratulations.

    Nikhil iyer

    (May 29, 2017 - 12:38 pm)

    Beautifully written Bhavana abt all the activities that we did like a professional writer. U have a such a nice talent of writing. . Wonderfully summarized.

    Abbas Paldiwala

    (May 30, 2017 - 2:37 pm)

    Wonderful experience ,Tisa is the platform which I was looking for and search end here, really looking forward for next meeting.

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