Shimla expenses

PFB the expenses details for Shimla get together. If you find any error, please send an email to info”at” All figures are in INR.

1. Board and lodge : 1500
2. Train : 1336 + 1336
3. Stickers and printouts: 280

Total = 4452

2nd March
Food(Kalka): 235
Coffee: 70
Paratha: 300
Bus: 48
Cards: 50

Total= 703

3rd March
Bus 32
IIAS : 260
Tea: 63
Food: 980
Kufri tickets: 90
Tea: 80
Burgers: 180
Taxi : 1500
Bus: 36

Total= 3021

4th March:
Bus: 32
Tea and biscuits : 75
snacks and frooti : 230
Total= Rs 337

Grand Total (Expenses)=  8713

1.  Anupinder : 1070
2. Gaurav : 1070
3. Sourabh : 1070
4. Dhruv: 1070
5. Umesh: 1070
6. Jai Prakash: 1070
7.Vinod: 360
8. Anonymous: 2000

Total (Contributions): 8780 (I will add the extra Rs 67 to TISA funds)

Expenses from TISA funds: 650+320 (Train tickets for one person)

Post Author: Harish Usgaonker