Hi…. As some of you knew me, I am Upasana from Bangalore SHG.. I am not new to TISA Blog..I read each every Blogs post by PWS and WWS…but yes I am not a regular blog poster.. After one day the year 2013 is going to finish…. A new year 2014 will come having new […]
Tag: acceptance
Acceptance and Commitment
We have received a link from Vivek (Pune). It is an interesting article. Here is the “soul” of it: “..The fact that all participants appeared to benefit from this study’s combination of treatment focused on speech management and treatment focused on acceptance of speaking differences also speaks to another important debate within the field of […]
Out with it…UPDATED
Today i tried a new stuff with my speech…..the basis of my trial was that the biggest fear that occupies me is that i will get entrapped into a big block and will not be able to speak at all. So, why not try it consciously?? Why not, with a stranger, I just go into […]
I was wrong!
When I was 18, I used to think that I will rather be dead at 50 because life of old men can be so tragic and painful! I am 54 now, and think that I am doing fine. In fact, sometimes I feel that quality of life has never been so good: free of impulses, […]
Hello to Everyone….. I am Upasana Nayak, a WWS (Woman who Stutter). I belong to Bangalore SHG. After completion of B.Tech, I came to Bangalore with an aim that I will find a job in MNC as a software engineer. I started searching job with full enthusiasm but failed to get results as the way […]
Delhi SHG Report of 12th May at Central Park Rajiv Chowk
Hello everyone, here is the report.. Again it was a nice SHG Meeting this Sunday at our as-usual and divine place.. Central park, Rajiv Chowk We were 9 people gathered at the meeting… Sikander sir, Sandeep sir, Mayank, Ravi, Sumit, Anita, Md. Tahir, Praveen(new comer) and me(Vishal) [ “The day is what you make […]
why do people laugh?
Yesterday, a young man (sensitive, well educated, regular guy) came for counselling. After some “blah blah theory” we went out for “practicals”. Something happened- interesting but really painful for the young man. I hope he is reading these lines. Names are not important- we are all same- under different labels- fearful and insecure. So, friend, […]
P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm; direction: ltr; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); widows: 2; orphans: 2; }A:link { } I do not remember when I started stammering as my stammering may be as old as myself. My mother told me that suffered from whooping cough when I was 7 years old and there after I developed stammering. […]
Anil writes from Betul
आजमाले आजमाले आज खुद को आजमाले , फिरता है तू कबसे ये दिल सम्हाले|| बोल क्यों ये लब(होंठ) पर रुके है, तेरे सजदे में झुके है,पल पल बिखरे है कितने उजाले(प्रेरणा), क्या करू क्या सोचता है,चैन दिल का ढूंढता है, अपनी किस्मत को जगा ले, बीच का पर्दा(खुद और खुद के बीच में) उठाले, […]
Pune shg 15-7-2012
Pune shg has a very great day today. Six members attended it Amol(Myself),Vivek,Aftab,Sanjeet sir,Anup sir and Sachin sir. Out of these me,Aftab and vivek are students and rest all are doing job. Our usual time for meeting is 10.30am.I came around 10.30 am. Later Anup sir came and after some time sanjeet sir came. Then […]
On Acceptance, from Dr Sheehan
I found this very relevant passage, from Dr Sheehan, a pws and an authority on speech therapy for pws in USA: Acceptance of the problem belongs at the start of therapy, not at the finish. It is the role that the stutterer must accept, not the old stuttering pattern. That is what the stutterer entered […]
There is misery and there is a way out..
Friends, I was always quite fascinated by Buddha’s life and message. He talked about four noble (eternal) truths but remained silent on being questioned about “God”.. This silence has been interpreted differently. Most people think that he talked about misery and the way out of the misery since misery (dis-satisfactoriness of the world and its […]
Fear Changed To FEARED
There is a girl. She was excellent in her school life, was average in college and was just good in her engineering. Her performance and passion was decreasing day by day from school to engineering. The girl always thought that what is the reason behind this declination but she never got any conclusion. That girl […]
On Non-Acceptance
In Indian philosophy, there is a well known trick: Neti, Neti (Not this, Not this). Path of exclusion. When you have explained what Spirit is NOT, whatever is left is BOUND to be Spirit; When you have decided what all you DONT want to do on a particular evening- you are left with very clear […]
If You didn’t see a Miracle,You try to become One Miracle
Dear All, this post aims at people who are feeling shy, feeling low or confused to talk. Even though still I stutter but not anymore with shyness and in confusion. I am trying to accept that its my way of talking, Yes I stutter so WHAT !!! ———————————————————————————————————— Let me begin with a fact “Stammering can be dissolved from […]
Acceptance is first step to solve any problem
I had an presentation in front of my class on this Friday. Before saying anything about this presentation, I want to say something about my first presentation. It was in my first year. I had a lot of fear in my mind, and always thought that I would not stammer at all in front of class. But […]
The Vicious Pain-Body
All stutterers,whether moderate or severe have experienced a very over-powering feeling right before and after they stutter.Usually,the thoughts in your head before you stutter is like,”Should I speak or keep quiet ???””Man,I am gonna block on my name!!!””I wish I hadn’t come here and should have made some excuse !!!” The usual feelings accompanying these […]
I am Amol karale.I am a pws from pune. Actually I hails from ahemdnagar(city 120 km from pune).As my father was being serving in Indian army so he posted in pune.He is retried now. Currently we are planning to settle in pune . I am stammering since class 6th.Till class 5th or 6th starting I […]
Humor with stammering
Hello to all my stutter friends. Perhaps I am writing a post here after a little long time. I really enjoyed my first national conference which I attended with my friends. It was never forgettable experience for me. I enjoyed every moment which I spend there. Now stammering doesn’t seem like a problem for me […]
Acceptance vs.Speech Therapy
Just came back from the first National Conference on Stuttering in India,it has been nothing less than an enlightening experience from me,it wasnt just about stammering,it was about meeting people from all across the country having nothing in common but they way they speak.More about that later though (I will be posting about the conference […]