Hi PWS, In this meeting, 19 people came. It was very energetic meeting. Following were the roles assigned to people: Overall Host and Feedback session host: Vikas Ranga Acceptance Activities Host: Dixit Arora Communication Activities Host: Vishal Gupta. Following are the four parts of the meeting: 1. Introduction: Vikas gave introduction of TISA, ground rules […]
Tag: Delhi SHG
Invitation for Delhi SHG meeting
Delhi SHG is inviting you all for tomorrow’s SHG meeting at Central park from 2 to 5 PM. Agenda is given below: # Intro # Meditation # Experience sharing # Make someone feel special # Stranger talk For enquiry, please contact Vikas @ 9527119003.
Delhi SHG meeting..
DELHI SHG MEETING REPORT ON 22-dec We were four friend attending meeting Anand Neo, Sauvit Sing, Amit Dixshit and me Sikandar. Amit host the meeting. The aim of meeting was give chance to every participant to host any one activity to develop the leadership that is helpful in reducing stammering. First activity was hosted by […]
Delhi SHG Meeting on 17th Nov.
“You are never be above of who you think you are” Love you voice, Love is your cup of tea Venue :: Central Park, Rajiv Chowk (in-front of Rajiv Chowk metro station gate no 6) Timing :: 11:00 am(Sharp) Agenda :: Work on Articulation, Speaking in situation and presentation skills, work on attitude towards […]
Delhi SHG Meeting – Naya Savera…….
I have attended the SHG meeting on Sunday the 20th Oct 2013 at Central Park, Connaught Place. This was my first ever meeting ever since I first came to know about it in National Conference at Indian Social Institute in Delhi. Today a total of nine PWS attended the meeting. The meeting started with […]
Delhi SHG Report of 12th May at Central Park Rajiv Chowk
Hello everyone, here is the report.. Again it was a nice SHG Meeting this Sunday at our as-usual and divine place.. Central park, Rajiv Chowk We were 9 people gathered at the meeting… Sikander sir, Sandeep sir, Mayank, Ravi, Sumit, Anita, Md. Tahir, Praveen(new comer) and me(Vishal) [ “The day is what you make […]
Delhi SHG welcomes Nitin, Prabhat and Vikas….
From left Jitender, Ranga, Prabhat, Sinkender Sir, Nitin, Pramendra(Photographer) We reached to Central Park at 11:00 AM. We had three new members in this meeting Prabhat Srivastav, Nitin Garg, Vikas Ranga(me). Old members were Sikander, Pramindra and Jiternder. The activities we did are as follows: 1. Goal: In this activity, everybody has to tell what goal he […]
Delhi SHG met on 11 Dec
Delhi SHG once again had a memorable meeting on last sunday. Pramendra and Abhishek had organized the meeting. Earlier I wasn’t sure whether I would attend it or not but Abhishek brought my favorite thing ‘Sattu’ (a special dish of Bihar and Jharkhand) from his village so I just could not stop me from going […]
One day Communication Workshop for Delhi SHG
Delhi SHG is very excited to announce its First Mini Workshop on 4/12/2011 (Sunday). It is first of its kind ‘Pilot Workshop’, consisting various interactive activities like public speaking, GD/PI etc. All of you are most welcome to take part and learn by sharing your valuable experiences with stammering. There will be NO Registration Fees. […]
Delhi SHG is excited to announce our next meeting on 20/11/2011 (Sunday) at Central Park near Connaught Place on 11 AM. All of you are most welcome to join and share your valuable experiences with stammering. Thank you RegardsPramendra+91-96543-63005
It needs CONFIDENCE not fluency!
Hi, I am Pramendra an engineering graduate, working as an entrepreneur in New Delhi (India) with some of my friends. Yesterday, an amazing thing happened with me which I want to share with you here. We were seeking information for short code mobile phone messaging service (The 5 digit number service) for our business needs. […]
What good is a room full of PWS?
Yes, that is a valid question from a novice. Unless there are some EXPERTS, what good is meeting each other? How would National conference help me, a stammerer speak better? To answer this frequent question, we share a private feedback from a participant of the recent Delhi workshop. This is just an inkling of what […]
delhi shg members from left(Anup, Umesh, Parmendra, Pinakin, Sikander, Abhishek) Delhi shg meeting on 16 october was attended by six members at central park delhi. This time I got a chance to interact with a new member, named Mr. Anup(a software engineer in Noida). Actually he was old member of delhi […]
Delhi SHG meeting on 25 september
Delhi SHG meeting held on central park new delhi on 25 september as regular. This time we were all young pws and no senior present. But it was quite successful as we managed to practice all techniques. This time Mr. Lalit, Umesh Rawat, Parmendra bundela, Abhishek, Pinakin, Abhishek2 and a new member Sourav Aggrawal […]
Delhi SHG meeting
On Sunday, There is a Delhi SHG meeting in Akshardham mandir. There are 6 members who attend this meeting. Abhishek, Gaurav trivedi, Lalit, Arun, Seekandar and Umesh . We do some regular talk on Bouncing and Accepting. Everyone say his own experience about bouncing and accepting the stammering. There are some new members who I […]