
I remember a story shared by a therapist working with children who stammer. She was shocked one day, when during a session, the child said: My father slaps me whenever I block! The therapist decided to confront the father. But the father refused to have ever done that. The family too confirmed that father had […]

From Nikhil (Mumbai)

Today’s event in National park was attended by Dheeraj and I. Before the meet, Dhruv had sent me the manual. The first round that we did was telling our name with a pause and with a smile. The second round was using the bouncing technique. This round we divided into various subrounds. The first sub-round […]

Build the ship as it sails

UPDATE: Authors can upload pictures if they are 100 kb or less. System limits. On popular demand the old blog too is open. Feel free to write there or here, based on your preference. It is OK. Bottom line is: everyone should have an outlet to share their thoughts…………………………. Friends, the “bare bones” website is […]

Bnagalore SHG Report 6 Nov. 2016

Hello Everyone, It becomes very nice atmosphere when experienced members of SHGs comes. Similar happened this week when we had Dinesh with us after a long time. This meeting started with a everyone sharing what they are doing with to improve their communicaton apart from coming ti SHG. I started that activity with sharing a […]

Acceptance – Rising Above Stammering

     Many PWS have asked or have been asked about acceptance of stammering. What is acceptance? How to accept my stammer? Many have also wondered why have I not yet found true acceptance.      I myself have been very much attracted towards the concept of acceptance stammering, but have frequently asked myself have […]

Dehradun SHG Meet, 6th November, 2016


The one aspect I love the most about winters is- morning sunshine. Wait, it’s not over yet. All the PWS from Dehradun SHG along with Dr Sachin, lush green lawns of Gandhi park, lots of food and drinks, and the mesmerizing weather of Dehradun! A perfect get together!

10:00 am sharp (pun intended!), all the members were in the Gandhi park. We decided to have a picnic together with all the fun activities and sumptuous food and drinks. There were Dayal, Ravi, Krishna, Pankaj, Gaurav, Vipul, Dr Sachin and Mohit.

Read more about Dehradun SHG Meet, 6th November, 2016

Big leap From Vishal Yeole…

(Challenging meeting at home town!) Hi everyone, As I declared to arrange 1st ever shg meeting at my home town chikhali, dist Buldhana, Maharashtra on 29th oct. We met 3 pws and 5 non-pws. So we started with introduction round where everyone had to tell his name, address, mb no, family, job,etc. Then we did […]

Mumbai SHGs 6/11/2016

We followed the TISA SHG Manual and conducted the 1st session. We will wait to hear back from participants and see how they feel about the session in a few days, and a week when their ‘home assignments’ are due. If you’re in Mumbai and you stammer…and you’ve never been to SHG..there could never be a better […]

Young minds…

I had an invitation to talk about discrimination and diversity to a group of students doing Diploma in Health Assistance, in the local hospital. After initial hitch, which technology almost always throws at you tauntingly – we were off to a good start. Multimedia was working. I introduced the theme quickly in a few lines […]

NC 2016 Financial Transparency

Dear All, In the spirit of TISA’s transparency, we wanted to share the NC 2016 Financials. Please see google sheet – Bank_Account_NC_2016_Details. Basically, we brought in INR 427,475 due to the NC. We spent, INR 410,832. Hence, we have a balance of INR 16,643. One NC participant caught dengue a few days before the NC, hence he […]

Super Sunday SHG in Mumbai!

Hey everyone, Though I don’t like writing, but I am really excited to write this post on our super last Sunday SHG meeting. It was special, not only because it was International stammering awareness day but also because it was planned in a place where I am actually planning to retire and spend my old […]

People with disabilities?

Recently some one has given the PWD a new name: Divyang. Interesting. While doing a recent study about livelihood options for PWD in the hills, I came across a riddle: While GOI offers positive discrimination – 3% reservations for PWD in all services, barring Andhra Pradesh, few states report full utilization of this quota. Why? Why […]

Back from Sabbatical!

Congrats Harish! I am so happy that you have used stammer.in – our old home! I am able to post on this blog, could browse the groups, the calendar… All the basics are there. Of course no website is perfect – including this one. We, the pws, are not perfect! Anyway big thanks to all […]

Mumbai SHG

Hi everyone! We wanted to announce Mumbai Self-Help Group (SHG) meetings this Sunday Nov 6. At Sanjay Gandhi National Park from 11 am – 1 pm (please meet sharp at 11 am next to the entry ticket counter, if you are going to be late please call/msg Nikhil 9821751773). At YMCA Ghatkopar from 2:30 pm […]

A day from the past

When I was in 9th standard, There was a story told by my class teacher. I remember the traces of it but will try to tell in my own words. The story goes like this…. There was once an old man who lived in a city. He lived in a very posh area. There lived […]

Wellness at a cost!

Friends check this link: http://www.nwemail.co.uk/news/ulverston/Swarthmoor-family-forced-to-pay-thousands-to-get-help-for-daughter-with-stammer-6004785a-2cc8-4fee-afd2-a7a8226eb6f4-ds I had mixed feelings: Happy that someone found at last what she was looking for… Then, the Community health person inside me said: but why at such a cost? Is wellness, health, happiness not our birth-right? I think, the story is very familiar to many of us- but we can […]

Hello TISA…

Dear Friends, TISA has been getting lot of enquiries on mail. Most of this enquiries come from internet users looking for help, having a question or just wanting to share. At times, we realize that a person-to-person connection would go a long way in offering a satisfactory help. Moreover, over the years we have seen […]

New Website and Beyond

This ISAD (22nd Oct), TISA launched a brand new website, rich with features and an integrated blog, in line with the changing technology trends. This welcome change was long due, and with rigorous efforts of the TISA tech team – Vishal Gupta, Dhruv Gupta, Dipesh Agarwal and Abhinav Bakshi, it finally saw the light of day. […]

Delhi SHG Report | 23rd October Meeting, ISAD 2016

TISA Delhi SHG Weekly Meeting Report written by Sunoy Garai

23 October, 2016, Sunday


Full album link is here : https://goo.gl/photos/hACe8k5mvmqmbSZWA

The meeting was held at India Gate this time. The host Mr. Dinesh Kumar Ola suggested a different

venue this time as he thought that there would be a variety of strangers at India Gate and we

stammerers could build some confidence by talking to the strangers, especially foreigners.

The meeting started at 11 a.m. and was attended by eight Delhi SHG members, Dinesh Kumar Ola

(Host), Vikas Ranga (Co-host), Sunoy Garai, Madhav, Anurag, Anurag Mishra, Vivek Maurya and

Prajwal. The meeting started with a brief introduction of every member, especially focussing on the

positives and negatives of one’s personality. Mr. Ola, the host, suggested that this meeting would be

one of a kind where members could talk freely without any fear and sharing any funny or

adventurous incidents with other members. Unlike other meetings, this meeting was kind of

unplanned, but ironically that turned out to be a very good thing as the rounds were decided on the

spot with everyone’s views and the meeting turned out to be one of the best meetings.

Read more about Delhi SHG Report | 23rd October Meeting, ISAD 2016