It was a fine morning of 23rd October, just one day post the International Stammering Awareness Day. The members of Pune SHG were as enthusiastic, if not more than me, to meet and interact with the public and spread awareness about stammering. We continued exploring the premises of the fort meeting and speaking with people […]
Congratulations everyone!
A big milestone has been achieved today- with this website being launched successfully – and on time! No ‘blocks’ this time- thanks to TISA Tech Team! This is a milestone, not the end of the journey. We are not sprinters- we are marathoners. We are in it for a long long haul.. Now, we have […]
“Strength lies in difference not in similarities” Members: Abhinav, Bharath, Mansi, Pramod, Pratibha, Rahul, Rajesh, Rueben, Sharath, Shobit, Subhrojith, Subrat, Sudhansu and Tarunidhar Guests: Aparamita, Kranti, Kranti’s neighbour, Indira and Sandhya, Today I admit that writing a report for the majority times has been a ‘work’ to me. I am sure my perfectionist nature in […]
Goa NC 2016 : आत्मविश्वास के समुन्दर का जादू…
गो-गो-गोवा… कहने को तो यह एक जगह का नाम है, लेकिन उन लोगों के लिए आत्मविश्वास के समुन्दर में गोता लगाने का सुखद अहसास कराता है, जिन्होंने 16-18 सितम्बर, 2016 तक टीसा द्वारा आयोजित नेशनल कान्फ्रेन्स में भागीदारी की। 3 दिवसीय हकलाने वाले व्यक्तियों के महाकुंभ से लौटने के बाद मैंने अपने अन्दर एक आनन्दमय […]
Roll Call
Dont know who started this- but on the third day in Goa, someone said: let us have roll call to see how many of registered participants have actually arrived. During roll call, no one was able to say “Yesss Sirr”! Half of people ran to toilets. So, finally we decided to have a group photo instead […]
Lets Start a SHG- Quick Useful Tips
Friends, it’s the fifth day since I am back from NC, but my mind is still in the Hakla world of NC. So here I am just re-sharing the pamphlet that we had distributed after our Bangalore SHG play in NC. I am also sharing a link of the official TISA SHG Facilitators Manual which […]
Goa NC feedback
Bhawna: Mann Ki Batein… Myself Bhavana Patil from Mumbai SHG. It was my first NC.I was nervous and tense about NC as I was knowing very few people from Mumbai only. But I after reaching Goa I felt a infinite comfort zone when Goa SHG people and other gave us warm welcome . Everyone was introducing […]
Experience of Bhavana as this was her first NC…… “Man ki baatein”
Myself Bhavana Patil from Mumbai SHG.It was my first NC.I was nervous and tense about NC as I was knowing very few people from Mumbai only. But I after reaching Goa I felt a infinite comfort zone when Goa SHG people and other gave us warm welcome . Everyone was introducing themselves with “stammering and blocks”.. […]
Skype calls Version 2
After NC I’m feeling enthusiastic and energetic or I can say “I born again”. So I was thinking that why not again I start our Skype calls. And touch base with pws all over the world. Rules, regulations and some suggestion for better output from Skype calls, 1. Be punctual 2. Mute your microphone […]
#एक छोटी सी पहल#
First of all I would like to thank to all the participants of TISA 6th National Conference and the organisers of the conference who made us feel that we all are family members and are supporting each other in the path of life and shall be standing along with each other in the ups and […]
NC Goa 2016 : Amazing Stammering… (अद्भूत हकलाहट)
अपने सपनों को साकार होते हुए देखना हर व्यक्ति के लिए एक सुखद अनुभव होता है। टीसा द्वारा गोवा में 16-18 सितम्बर, 2016 को आयोजित नेशनल कान्फ्रेन्स में ऐसा ही नजारा देखने को मिला। अपनी विविधता (हकलाहट) का उत्सव मनाने के लिए देशभर से लगभग 100 से अधिक हकलाने वाले साथियों, अभिभावकों और दोस्तों की […]
Thoughts on NH17….
A big Cheers to All, If you were in this NC, you would know how amazing these three days were! Not only because of meeting so many stammers in one place but also the scenic beauty. On the beach, when you look to the ocean and see its limits and still, the balance and […]
TISA NC 2016
Here is the agenda for the National Conference: AGENDA Here you can find the Detailed Agenda. Follow this post for NC Blog Updates! Day 1 begins… 🙂
Know thy Coordinator
Great presenter; Mimicry too! Harish holds a masters degree in IT, and works as a Module Lead in a leading IT firm in Goa. He has many hobbies: writing, graphic designing, mimicry, singing and a lot more, waiting to be discovered, I guess.. Someday, I am sure, he will start a business, publish a novel, […]
Know thy Coordinator!
I met JP and Renu (his wife) a few days ago. Both of them looked great, in spite of the recent viral! He is on a sabbatical from TISA and – I am sure, some day, like Halley’s comet he will return from the outer space, recharged and full of creative ideas… I too need […]
Sep 4th and Sep 11th TISA Hyderabad Chapter meetup
We were 7 members for the meetup. 1. Pavan 2. Lakshmi 3. Ragahvender 4. Sandeep 5. Sivaji 6) Rajesh 7) Sadhana. We had initially an introduction round and then we all discussed about the importance of meditation. This topic of meditation has come out so good among us because we have Doctor Raghavender. He explained […]
Patna Bihar SHG meeting Report 11th Sept 2016
Hello Everyone, Greeting! Today meeting was held in Eco park right at 4.30pm. The weather was rainy and it feels great to kick start the meeting. There were three members- Suraj, Sanjay and Me. Sanjay is a new member who came with her wife. We were expecting 5-6 members but unfortunately due to heavy rain, […]
Mind War – The Battle of Perspectives
Is it wrong to love the way I stutter? Isn’t it unethical to run away from the very nature of my stuttering? Why Am I trying to emulate fluent speech? Is stuttering being associated with unacceptance in the facade of fluency? Why Am I using acceptance as a tool to get to a state of […]
Forget techniques- Do this instead!
Friends, check out this channel and these two videos par-ti-cul-arly ! Could be useful for upcoming interview.. Oh, btw, dont go in a tail-spin over her “fluency” (=editing and teleprompter); pay attention to content!
TISA Pune proudly announces a workshop for children who Stammer. This workshop is mainly intended for kids in the age group 6-15 and their Guardians. Acceptance and awareness of stammering is very important at an early age. So, we, TISA Pune volunteers are taking an initiative to help Kids who stammer and their families become […]