Bhopal SHG going strong ..

Venue -shahjhana park Infront of sultaniya hospital Timing -4pm to 6pm Hello all . I’m MK harsh from Bhopal SHG . Today we had conducted the SHG meeting. Today’s meeting was very special because in today’s meeting Amit kushwaha sir was our special guest. In the starting of the meeting , Amit sir had made […]

International Stammering Awareness Day (ISAD) | Ahmedabad SHG

   Watch stammering Awareness programme- Pradip’s review on ISAD- 22nd October is International Stammering Awareness Day and we at Ahmedabad SHG, TISA celebrated it a day before. Members who participated gathered at decided location in morning 6:45. Parimal Garden is blessed with wonderful nature and great atmosphere. After the arrival of everyone we started our first round […]

Communication workshop Chennai on 24-25 Nov 2018

Communication workshop Chennai After a successful completion of National Conference in Bengaluru, We are excited to announce a communication workshop in capital of Tamilnadu, Chennai. Chennai SHG is one of the oldest SHG in TISA. It was started with the  Manimaran sir in 2008 at the Marina beach. Since then, it has achieved many milestones. […]

Dr. Sachin on Red FM (ISAD)

On the occasion of International Stuttering Awareness day (22nd Oct), Red FM Bengaluru station featured our beloved mentor Dr. Sachin Srivastava. Do listen to this short 2 min feature, where Dr. Sachin talks about what is stammering and spreads the much needed awareness. Thanks Red FM Bengaluru for this opportunity to spread awareness on this […]

Report of Pre-Navratri Garba Night | Ahmedabad SHG

Watch Pre-Navratri Garba Night- Feedback of Pre-Navratri Garba Night from families and friends, and their opinion about TISA-  Almost a day is over since we finish our Pre Garba Night with Ahmedabad SHG, TISA but hangover of garba is still there and my legs are still shaking. Based on my first hand and borrowed experiences, i […]

Ahmedabad SHG meeting report- 14/10/2018

Our meeting started at 8.30am at. peaceful place inside the Vastrapur lake garden. The session was hosted by Veer Trivedi and was attended by Sharadaree, Vipul, Harshil, Shailesh, Maitrey and Ram. The session was started by the host Veer Trivedi who explained the first activity of the group which was the SWOT analysis of Individual […]

Mysuru SHG Meeting Report – 14.10.18

Venue: Saugandhika Udyanavana (ಸೌಗಂಧಿಕ ಉದ್ಯಾನವನ), Mysuru. Hello Dear Friends, This week Sunday (14.10.18) SHG meeting was held in a new location, due to the World famous Dasara celebration going on in Mysuru. This new location was better for SHG meeting compared to the previous location in Mysuru. The meeting began with introduction round- introduced name […]

Mysore SHG Meeting Report – 07.10.18

Venue: Cheluvamba park opp. to Akashvani Mysuru Date:07.10.18 Hello dear friends, I am Ningappa from SHG Mysuru, Karnataka. I feel energized and positive about myself and my stammer after attending the recent National Conference at Bengaluru. Therefore decided to resume SHG meetings in Mysuru.   Today we had conducted a meeting in Mysuru after long gap […]

My Experience #17 कुछ यादें

हेलो दोस्तों , आज अचानक लैपटॉप का तीसा फोल्डर खोलकर कुछ देखने का मन हुआ | वहां पर पिछले एक दो साल की वीडियोस और ऑडिओस सेव की हुई थी किन्तु मैंने कभी देखी ही नहीं थी क्यूंकि मुझे अपनी ही वीडियो देखने और उसमे अपने आप को हकलाता देखने से डर लगता था | […]

My Experience #16 Observe Your Life

hello दोस्तों , हर व्यक्ति को अपने आप से और अपने आस पास वाले लोगों से कुछ आशाएं होती है , हमे भी औरों से और अपने आप से कुछ आशाएं है – कुछ को नौकरी पाने की इत्छा , कुछ को धाराप्रवाह बोलने की इत्छा , कुछ को अपने आप को दूसरों से बेहतर […]

Talk it out, sweat it out: How self-talk helped me conquer my fears

Hi Everyone, I am Ambika Sharma. I  live in New Delhi. I am pursuing Masters in Computer Applications and I stammer. Every person has a hobby. I too have one. I have been playing table tennis for a very long time. I started playing during my graduation and won two gold medals consecutively. But this […]

My tryst with stammer

Hello friends, I am Annasaheb Shivaji Kalange, currently working in Bangalore since last 9 years and basically from Maharashtra. I would like to share with you my tryst with stammering. I have a family history as a stammerer, that means stammering is hereditary for me. When I was around 6 or 7 years old, my […]

Questionnaire in my company

Recently, thanks to my manager,  I has the opportunity to share my thoughts on stammering. Please find below. First of all, congratulations. You have overcome the social stigma associated with stammering through your perseverance. Tell us more about your journey. Thanks a lot Sangeetha for recognizing stammering and providing this opportunity. I hope this helps […]

How a stammerer got a job?

Hello everyone, I’m Rajgauri Sadanand Vedpathak from Kolhapur. I am Studying in final year of mechanical engineering. I am a stammerer since childhood. Today, I am really happy to share that I have got a job in SLK Softwares in Bangalore through placement cell in my campus.  But, it was a lot different before.. I […]