SHG meet Bangalore [09/07/2017]

Success belongs to those who dares to dream about it. I promised myself again to attend SHG meeting yet again after a long gap. As always woke up not in time, skipped breakfast and directly embarked to our venue Cubbon park. I met Mohit near small hut and as it was occupied we went to […]

opens soon

7th TISA National Conference @ Chandigarh

Welcome Message* | Agenda | About Chandigarh | Seats Availability – No Seats available at the venue now, New Registrants please select Local Pack and book accomodation also. For nearby Oyo/Hotels Contact Us on  +91 99889 90330 | Registration Packages | How to Register | NC registered participants | How to Reach venue | Location | Important Contacts | Places […]


SHG Meeting Attended by Nikhil ,bhavana,Gaurav ,Vishal ,Kavesh ,JP, Shubham ( new member ,he is not an Stammer doing​ his research on speech related disorders) and letter on shyam joint us . The theme of the meeting was GST Meeting started with introduction round where everyone has to speak about how he / she spend […]

कौन कहता है – एक सच

कई बार जीवन की गहराईयो में हम ये पता नहीं लगा पाते की कौन कहता है की ये सच है या वो सच है – आशा करता हु इस लाइन से आप बहुत भ्रमित हो गए होंगे तो बात को थोड़ा और अचे से समझाता हु ! हम अपने जीवन में जो करना चाहते है […]

Mysore SHG Meeting 9th July’2017

The lot awaited Mysore SHG started finally, with a headcount of three members. Participants: Deepesh, Avinash, Suvadip(myself) We started with basic introduction round. Deepesh shared his experience on the previous TISA National Conference which was held at Goa, last year. We are glad to have such an experienced person between us, who is associated with […]

For Your Information and Awareness

TISA has received the following mail:   ———————————————————————   According to The Rights of Persons with Disabilities Bill 2016,The types of disabilities have been increased from existing 7 to 21. The reservation increased 3 to 4 percentage.(1% for Learning disabilities,Autism,Intellectual disabilities) But reservation not given to some disabilities like Speech and language disabilities.   Now […]


अक्सर हमारा मन तैयार नहीं होता बदलाव के लिए एक अनचाहा भय महसूस होता है अपनी काबिलियत पर अपने हुनर पर और अपने आप पर इसलिए हम बचते रहते हैं बदलावों से झेलते रहते हैं कुंठा और निराशा जिन्दगी में अपनी विफलताओं के लिए दोष देते रहते हैं दूसरों को हम नहीं समझ पाते अपने […]

TISA Mangalore SHG Meet—1: The Dawn

The first meeting of The Indian Stammering Association (TISA)—Mangaluru Self Help Group (SHG) will be held on 23rd July 2017 at Gandhiji Hall—CODP, Adjacent to Padua School, Nanthoor, Mangaluru. All are welcome! Please confirm your participation by registering at: The Self Help Group will convene regularly to allow people with stammering (PWS) to Share […]

Because of stammering..

This has been some of my experience and those of my mates who have candidly shared in shg meetings that I attended in last few years.. Because of stammering, I failed in Interview. Because of stammering, I was not promoted. Because of stammering, I could not give the presentation Because of stammering, I could not find […]

पापा, आप महान हैं!

इस दुनिया में मां पर बहुत कुछ कहा गया लिख गया और महसूस किया गया, पर पिता रहे हमेशा उपेक्षित, मुझे याद आता है मेरा बचपन जब पिता तेज बारिश में बुखार होने पर मुझे अपनी गोद पर उठाकर, छाता लगाए हुए अस्पताल लेकर गए थे! मैं नहीं भूल पाता वह दिन जब एक बार […]

जीवन का आनन्द

किसी समय मैं एक दवा कम्पनी में काम करता था। मुझे चिकित्सकों से मिलना होता था। दवाईयों के विषय में प्रतिक्रिया जानता था। डाॅक्टर्स से एक निश्चित दिन और समय पर मुलाकात हो पाती थी। इस दौरान मिले अनुभवों ने मुझे जिन्दगी के बारे में नई चीजें सीखने का अवसर दिया। बस स्टैण्ड पर बैठकर […]

Bangalore SHG report 25 June 2017

Cubbon Park, Bangalore Just coming to Cubbon Park every Sunday morning and breathing the fresh air has its own charm. Greenery, squirrels, pet dogs, park dogs, families, old people, young couple, artists, models, photographers, runners, what not.   Participants: Amarnath, Dinesh, Bharat, Sambhram, Shobhit, Suvadip (myself)   Today we had gathered under the big hut […]

मैंगलोर में संचार कार्यशाला सम्पन्न

सांस्कृतिक विरासत और इतिहास के शहर मैंगलोर में द इण्डियन स्टैमरिंग एसोसिएशन (तीसा) की 3 दिवसीय संचार कार्यशाला का आयोजन किया गया। हकलाने वाले लोगों के लिए यह कार्यशाला 16 से 18 जून 2017 तक आयोजित की हुई। कार्यशाला मैंगलोर के साथ ही मुम्बई, गोवा, हैदराबाद, बैंगलुरू, पुणे, इंदौर और देहरादून के प्रतिभागियों ने शिकरत […]

Communication Workshop at Mangalore

The first Communication Workshop for people with stammering (PWS) by The Indian Stammering Association – TISA in Mangaluru was held on 16-18 June 2017. The workshop was held in the Gandhiji Hall of CODP – Mangalore. PWS from Delhi, Pune, Coimbatore, Pondicherry, and Goa along with pws from Mangalore, participated in this three-day workshop. A […]

TISA-Boston University Interaction in Dehradun!!

On 17th June 2017, we were supposed to meet a group of students from Boston University, USA. I admit I was nervous! But with this nervousness, there was enthusiasm, will to succeed, and passion for communicating! Life is all about embracing. Just dive in, experience the situation, and emerge as a victorious warrior! This anecdote […]

पहल करने से मिलते हैं अवसर…

मैं अक्सर सोचता था- हर बार मुझे ही पहल क्यों करनी पड़ती है? पड़ोसी हो या आॅफिस के सहकर्मी हमेशा मुझे आगे होकर नमस्ते क्यों करना पड़ता है? हर बार मैं ही लोगों को फोन क्यों करूं? हर त्यौहार पर मैं ही लोगों को एसएमएस कब तक करता रहूंगा? इस तरह के सवाल अक्सर मुझे […]

SHG Bangalore Sunday 11 June

I came down late this Sunday . It was beautiful . PWS had gathered. 1.Mindfulness was the first activity 2.Next came  Introductions. 3.This was followed by Ideal Week talk. People spoke about how their Ideal week will look like. 4. PWS then decided to conduct interviews. We got divided into 3 groups and interviewed each […]

Mumbai SHG Meeting Summary -11/06/17

  Theme Of Meeting: Save Environment Total members present:06 Meeting Manager: Bhavana __________________________________________________________________________ Summary: The meeting starts with a free discussion in general. We introduced ourself. Nikhil gives guidelines regarding ground rules of SHG. Extempore session: Our Theme was Save environment, the environment is the thing to feel, to see so we decided to try […]