Many pws now want to volunteer in TISA as SHG coordinators, Group admins, TOPG faculty and Peer Counsellors. All these roles require a good understanding of TISA approach and efficient communications skills. To fulfil this need we are launching MOOC-2: a two week intense but fun online course. Highlights: 1. Self paced/ coached study of […]
TOPG Review- 4
Following valuable review was shared by Chinmay Tejas, one of TOPG faculty. He is also an alumni of Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry; He has brought in an element of mystery, miracles, magic potions and outright sorcery to TOPG: The Online Practice Group famously referred to as TOPG, is a 2-week course offered by […]
TOPG Review (3)
For the sake of ongoing learning at organisational level, we are conducting an internal review of TOPG. This is third in the series, contributed by Allwin Dave, a faculty with TOPG: What has been your unique contribution? I try my best and see to it that evey candidate in TOPG is comfortable and learns to […]
TOPG Review (2)
For the sake of ongoing learning at organisational level, we are conducting an internal review of TOPG. This is second in the series, contributed by Shreya Kumar, a faculty with TOPG: 1. What has struck you as TOPGs unique feature? The most unique feature of TOPG is the voluntary nature of the organisation, which is […]
TOPG Review (1)
TOPG began in 2020. It was based on MOOC, which started much earlier- in 2017. In fact, it was operationalisation of MOOC. Not many pws had the motivation to complete MOOC on their own. They will join, do couple of core tasks, then lose the motivation and forget all about it! Therefore TOPG was started, […]
The Perfect Stutter
In seventies England, a young man who stammered and dropped out of university for that reason, writes a manuscript and posts it to his father. He just wanted to explain his strange decisions to his ‘uncomprehending’ father. Years later, he returns home on his father’s death, having earned university degrees in Psycholinguistics, Speech Therapy and […]
Come on, it’s not a big deal, Get over it
A girl (it is not known she has anemia) who runs the same distance as a non-anemic person, faints. She, being a girly girl, faints apparently just because of the excessive physical stress and not because of any underlying medical condition, because otherwise, she seems to be fine. A person (it is not known, he […]
TISA Organizes “Presentation Event”
“Tomorrow you will have to give a presentation” After hearing these words in our school/ colleges/ office, most of us feel like we are falling and cannot find our breath. Not even PWS but non-PWS have the fear of presentations. Presentations are important in […]
TISA organizes PPT presentation event in Mumbai and Nagpur SHG
Today we had an amazing session hosted by Vishal Mishal from Mumbai SHG. It was attended by Vishal, Rohil, Dhruv, Shreya, Mansi Mam, Mokshit, Allwin , Arun, Prasad, and yours truly. We began the session with an introduction. Then we had our presentation topics. Vishal started the session by speaking about Mucormycosis, about endemic, epidemic, […]
Advantages Of Being A PWS
I have been stammering since I was 5-6 years old, and every time I used to think that when will this curse get away from me. Being a PWS we all have our own haunted moments where we were not able to utter a single word and we were not able to understand the reason […]
StutterFest! – हकलाहट के बंधन से मुक्त करता है तीसा
वल्र्ड स्टटरिंग नेटवर्क द्वारा 8 मई 2021 को “स्टटर फेस्ट 2021” नामक वर्चुअल कार्यक्रम का आयोजन किया गया। जूम ऐप पर आयोजित यह कार्यक्रम 20 घण्टे तक लगातार चलता रहा। इस दौरान विभिन्न देशों के संगठनों और व्यक्तियों ने हकलाहट के विषय में अपने विचार, अनुभव और किए जा रहे प्रयासों पर चर्चा की। कार्यक्रम […]
StutterFEST! (वर्चुअल कुंभ) 8 May 2021
Hello friends! The World Stuttering Network (WSN) is honored to have you spend the day with us This Saturday, May 8th during our inaugural StutterFEST! Virtual event. This is a 20-hour virtual program on Zoom. The coming together of organizations and individuals from around the world brings about feelings of unity and solidarity. Get ready […]
02-May-2021 TISA Delhi virtual meeting
Meeting around 3 pm started. I also try to record the meeting but not able find the method how to record it for TOPG. W+G shortcut key also used but after that different options I have confused for leave it. Then I started the meeting first Sanjay joined then after few intervals few joined and […]
Blessed Mistakes
If mistakes are the essential part of normal process of learning and growth, let us acknowledge them and give them their due. Right? I am beginning to see that they have taught me a lot- but mostly at the subconscious level. Let me talk of some such events consciously. One incident comes easily to my […]
An old TISA friend recently shared some deep thoughts with us: I wanted to share some of my experiences, where I had moments of realisation of how a changed attitude (which I acquired due to TISA) can make a huge difference in one’s life. To cut the long story short- I have joined as a Partner […]
TISA Organised “Guest Talk” With Manish Upadhyay
Mr. Manish Upadhyay is an engineer by qualification and stutter by Nature. He is a Stutter who learned his life learning through his stuttering and transformed his biggest weakness into the biggest strength. Mr. Manish has helped more than 50000 people in the last 7 Years with Life Skills, Personal Development, Sales, and Managerial […]
TISA organizes North East SHG meet online
The Indian Stammering Association’s North East SHG has conducted the first online meet on 2nd April 2021. The meeting was hosted by me. There were around ten participants. It was a kind of ice-breaking session where every participant had to introduce themselves with the help of a certain technique. In the second round of the […]
Tisa Mandsaur SHG
In first round we introduced ourself with having distance of 6 mtr because standing away and speak, is some challenging task for me. We made very firm planning of using this and this techniques. In which I chose block correction techniques and sanjay ji chose bouncing tech. Then we found an strangers who were walking […]
My journey to SBI.(A strategy to crack a panel interview in India’s largest public sector bank)
Hello friends, I am Satyam Singh ,a PWS from Surat Gujarat. I am going to share a short story about my journey to enter in India’s one of most prestigious job in State Bank of India (India’s Largest Public Sector Bank). Introducing myself, My name is Satyam Singh and I am basically from Gorakhpur U.P, […]
Life beyond the stammering
After joining The Indian Stammering Association (TISA) I met many people who stammer in different parts of the country. Most of us are willing to overcome stammering and become fluent speakers in a short time. These expectations are not wondering because our society has aspects for every person to speak fluently. Human life is based […]