Yesterday, a young man (sensitive, well educated, regular guy) came for counselling. After some “blah blah theory” we went out for “practicals”. Something happened- interesting but really painful for the young man. I hope he is reading these lines. Names are not important- we are all same- under different labels- fearful and insecure. So, friend, […]
Tag: stammering
P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm; direction: ltr; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); widows: 2; orphans: 2; }A:link { } I do not remember when I started stammering as my stammering may be as old as myself. My mother told me that suffered from whooping cough when I was 7 years old and there after I developed stammering. […]
Today’s Stuttering Quote (25.04.2013)
“You will remain a stutterer as long as you continue to pretend not to be one.”
“Stuttering is one thing that gets a lot easier if you don’t try to hide it.”
Some more fun..
Ishan shares a funny moment… Pramendra and Amit do an interesting role play- sharing the funny problems of real life situations. BTW, TISA does not operate any airlines.. not yet! I wish I could have spent more time in one to one counselling sessions with everyone. I tried it with some participants. So, you are […]
Comm WS : Day 3
Feedback Update: I have just removed two comments and am putting the gist here- so that we can move to future, and not look back at what has happened. For me lesson learned is: Select participants carefully (match their needs, background, difficulties etc.); send out clear invitation to selected participants; be very focused on the […]
Comm WS Herbertpur: who are we?
More videos. कार्यशाला के प्रतिभागतियों का संक्षिप्त परिचय 1 डा. विजय सिंह उत्तर प्रदेश के गोरखपुर से हैं। वर्तमान समय में मेडिकल आफिसर हैं। टीसा के एक्टिव वालेन्टियर। आपके अनुसार हकलाहट को चुनौती के रूप में स्वीकार करना चाहिए, समस्या की तरह नहीं। 2 सुबोध सिंह, बरेली, उत्तरप्रदेश। प्रतियोगी परीक्षाओं की तैयारी कर रहे हैं। […]
Comm WS Day 1
This is a brief report. About twenty people gathered on time in Anugrah. Some old and some new faces. The workshop was inaugurated by Mr Robert, who heads Community Health department of Herbertpur Christian Hospital. We thanked him for extending the use of premises for this workshop. We played out some interactive fun exercises for […]
Update- Communication workshop, Herbertpur (19-21 Apri 13)
List of all Participants, who attended herbertpur april 13 comm.workshop Logistics update: Hotel Kailash has a marriage party booking for just one night (20th April). Hemant has made alternative arrangements in the same hotel for that one day. But if any problem, dont hesitate to see other hotels close by: Hotel Vaibhav (near Lehman Hospital […]
News @ Hyderabad SHG Meetup on 7 April 2013
Voluntary Stuttering was main agenda for the meetup. We were 9 members for the meetup. Below are members who attended meetup w.r.t pic (Left to Right) 1.Mahipal 2.Dev 3.Valli 4.Kiran 5.Bhaskar 6.Dnyweshwar 7.Rajesh 8.Vijay (down) & 9. Rahul (not in pic) Activities at Meetup: 1. Introduction round – Brief intro of all 2. Interactive session – we […]
News @ Hyderabad SHG Meetup on 10th Feb
” Belief – Thoughts – Actions “ this is what we discussed through out our SHG meeting today. How much hard you take this model that much smooth your Life becomes ! This is the very essence of changing anything in Life. As Belief is basic RULE for any activity in our body ! It acts, […]
Invitation of Hyderabad SHG Meetup on Feb 10
Chasing Dreams is the Best Time you give to yourself ! Hi Friends, Hope you are doing Excellent. Its time for getting ready for Weekend SHG meeting in Hyderabad. Every single minute we spend here is going to be productive and helps you face boldly. Here We Stammer with Ease It is proved that […]
हकलाने का डर
हकलाने ने हम में से बहुतो को लंम्बे समय तक परेशान किया है या अब भी कर रहा है | हम में से कुछ लोगोँ को ये कभी कभी तथा कुछ को निरंतर तकलीफ देता रहता है | TISA (The Indian Stammering Association ) के साथ मेरे पिछले तीन सालोँ में अब मैं यह देख पा […]