Left is Right! By Amit Singh Kushwaha “Yes, I am left-handed!”. My unconscious mind prefers to do any work with the left hand. Sometimes, people wonder when I write or sign with my left hand. I recall in my childhood; grandmother taught me to eat with the right hand. At that time, I realized, there […]
ह्रदय चीर के राम सिया का
( हास्य ) जब मै बच्चा था , तब अक्सर भजन की ये पंक्ति सुन कर मुझे बहुत दुःख होता : हनुमान जी ने आखिर ऐसा क्यों किया? मै इलाहबाद में बड़ा हो रहा था। भजन सुनने के मौके अक्सर मिलते रहते थे। आज कल बच्चे सुपरमैन के करतब देख कर बड़े होते हैं और हम […]
My one decade with TISA – A journey of learning…
I joined TISA on 9th August 2010 and now completed a one-decade of an active relationship with TISA. A Journey who gives me wings for fly, An organization that supports me as a family and encourages me to live ourselves on your terms. Here I am sharing my one-decade learning and their outcomes freely. The […]
Volunteerism- a dying art form?
India is on the march! We all have moved on. In stead of writing letters with “Sadar Pranam etc.”, we are exchanging sms on the move and checking our phones with a frenetic urgency, bordering on Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Where is the time for volunteering? But wait. Let me share with you, how […]
My Story – Naveen Deshmukh
My story – I do not want to term this as a success story! But yeah it is certainly a journey of overcoming adversaries. Childhood – Ignorance is bliss: My stammering dates back to when I was around 8 years old, had a near-death experience when I drowned in the rainwater which had flooded my […]
फिर भी मैं बोलूंगा
A Poem be Mr. Rajendra Kumar ” Fir Bhi Me Bolunga”.
The Inspirational Life Story of Manasi Kulkarni
As human beings, we often look obsessively towards famous and highly-celebrated individuals as sources of inspiration, while neglecting completely that we are often surrounded by worthy albeit unsung heroes all around us. In this vein, it is my pleasure to bring to light the story of Mrs Manasi Kulkarni. At the age of 6, Mrs […]
जय हिन्द
A Mythical Bird – 1
(A fiction based on the life of a lady doctor- Dr Arundhati, who joins a social work organization in the Himalayas and discovers that things are not what they appear to be… Ed.) Prologue : The End “ Angular mind – angular body. You cant even support me well !” She twisted her torso to […]
That Unkindly Stammer
The shivery utterance was all he had, the words would play hide and seek with his mouth, the excitement to deliver his ideas would be blocked by that unkindly stammer, as if he was banged by a hammer, no, he isn’t a handicapped, neither he is a loser, he is just a bit more edgy […]
A life will be left behind!
A life will be left behind! The house you called your home for long, the people whom you made your own. The words you sang to share your heart, a few of them were once your part. They all will go, forgotten to mind A life will be left behind… Some you’ll forget and some […]
– कोरोना – असहाय पड़ी मानव की कृति, रुका पड़ा सब काम है। कोरोना के चक्कर में देखो […]
साहसिक प्रयासों से मिलती है कामयाबी
जब किसी रेत की इमारत को चंद हवाओं के झोंके गिरा दें, और फिर हम उसी टूटी हुई इमारत को पुनः बनाने में मशगूल हो जाएं, तो यह साहस है, हड़बड़ाहट नहीं। अक्सर, इसी जद्दोजहद से गुजरता है एक हकलाने वाला व्यक्ति। जब हम किसी व्यक्ति को स्पष्ट और धाराप्रवाह बोलते हुए सुनते हैं, तो […]
Face The Fear ( Mock Interviews)
The interview is a stressful situation, even when you are very confident in your skills. One thing that is always same in every interview is the “Excellent communication”. We as PWS, often dread more as we have to prove our skill with the stammer. With this small initiative, we plan to get you to practice […]
Hosting a Hangout?
Asking a pws to host a hangout is somewhat like, asking a street cricketer to play International cricket! Madness, in one word! That is how many pws react when we suggest that they should host a hangout, after having attended some. The truth is, we would never ever challenge ourselves, unless forced into it. This […]
How am I improving my English writing skill?
I have been writing in Hindi since 1996 and my articles, poems, and stories have been published in different newspapers. Sometimes I received remuneration from newspapers for my publication. Similarly, I have been reading English newspapers for a long time. I think about a dream when my English write-up is published. Years come and go […]
Proposal for Amendment to the Right of Persons with Disabilities (RPwD) Act, 2016
The Union Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment issued a notification proposing an amendment to the Right of Persons with Disabilities (RPwD) Act, 2016, to decriminalise ‘minor offences for improving business sentiment and unclogging court processes’. The move has spurred protests by the community of people with disabilities, disability rights activist and organisations. What amendments […]
Battle No More
Hi. This is kundan. I am going to share some of my observations and thoughts about how I have been dealing with my stammering for almost whole of the last decade in my young life- I am 27; Yes about a decade ago, I came to know Dr. Satyendra sir aka sachin sir. Though I have […]
जिन्दगी में सकारात्मक बदलाव की शुरूआत . . .
मेरा नाम अक्षय रावल है और मैं गुजरात राज्य के सूरत शहर में रहता हूं। तीसा से जुड़ने के बाद मेरी जिन्दगी में आए परिवर्तनों और सुधारों की कहानी आपसे साझा कर रहा हूं। पहले मैं रोज सुबह 9 या 10 बजे सोकर उठता था। कभी कोई एक्सरसाइज, मोडिटेशन या प्राणायाम नहीं करता था। हमेशा […]
My Story
I have been watching with some interest, a new pws who has been organizing Google hangout frequently with great energy. Couple of times, I bobbed in and out of these hangouts. He was conducting these hangouts in a very organized way- giving everyone plenty of time, without turning it in a personal monologue. He was […]