
Do you remember the last time that you broke your promise that you did to yourself? Many times? Sounds familiar? This can be like you may be stopping in the finish line. You never know. Being consistent is boring. Agree. But it has its own advantages. I will take an example of Cricket thro’ out […]

Bangalore SHG Buddy System

How would it be if you had an assistant who reminds you and ensures you complete a task? How would it be if a coach is always with you virtually ensuring you do your exercises regularly? Yes, not a joke. Now you can choose a buddy from the SHG who will ensure you will complete […]

NC 2019 : Financial Transparency

TISa 9th National Conference conducted successfully at Bhopal dated 27, 28 and 29 September, 2019. After NC here we are sharing the receipts and payment account as per our financial transparency policy. If you have any query feel free to contact us at TISA 9TH NATIONAL CONFERENCE BHOPAL (27th – 29th September, 2019) RECEIPTS […]

Delhi SHG Meeting 13/10/2019

आज रविवार के दिन सेंट्रल पार्क में दिल्ली SHG की मीटिंग हुई। सेंट्रल पार्क में सूरज की हल्की हल्की रोशनी और ठंडक ने मौसम बहुत ही सुहावना बनाया हुआ था। आज 18 लोगों आये हुए , SHG मीटिंग के लिहाज से अगर देखा जाए तो नंबर काफी अच्छा है, हमने इंट्रोडक्शन से स्टार्ट किया और […]

patna stammer meeting

Patna Bihar Video Conferencing SHG Meet

After a long time on 17th September 2019 Patna SHG organized a meet through Video conferencing, hosted by Mohit Kumar on Zoom App. Other members who participated were Dhiraj, Vijay and Ashutosh. Meeting In Brief:- We started with Introduction (1 Minute) followed by Breathing Exercise (with a special breathing technique shared by Mohit), Impromptu round, […]


After a long time, shg meet has been organized at central park in Jaipur. There were 3  attendees  on right time after that meeting started orderly as we planned earlier. Different thing was all the participants never seen one another before meeting so by this way start up took with self introduction round by voluntary […]

Financial Transparency of Communication Workshop with Our Near & Dear Ones

  Dear all, The Ahmedabad SHG had received 10,400₹ total workshop registration fees. Rupees 1,200 given back as a refund amount (Refund for, those who has paid registration fees and they could not attend communication workshop) After deducting refund amount, we had 9,200₹ due. Rupees 9,080 was total workshop expenditure, the remaining amount rupees 120 […]

Mumbai (Powai) SHG – July 14

SHG meeting yesterday was fun. As a facilitator, I really enjoyed. However, the key is how did the participants enjoy. I will be getting their feedback soon. We began the meeting with introductions. Each one standing up, doing a 1 minute pause while making eye-contact with all friends in the room, and then sharing just […]

कुर्ग का रोमांचक और यादगार सफर by Jitender Gupta

साथियों, सितम्बर 2012 में कर्नाटक के प्रसिद्ध पर्यटक स्थल कुर्ग में टीसा की दूसरी नेशनल कांफ्रेन्स आयोजित की गई थी। इस कार्यक्रम में दिल्ली के जितेन्द्रर गुप्ता भी शामिल हुए। उन्होंने कुर्ग के रोमांचक सफर और अनुभवों को हमसे साझा किया था। आप भी पढ़ें – कुर्ग का रोमांचक और यादगार सफर टीसा की 9वीं नेशनल […]

Bangalore SHG meet up [07/07/2019]

Another pleasant morning at Bangalore and the same can still be felt as this post is being written after 2 days. So green, yes Cubbon Park is so green in all dimensions and it surely sets the cheerful mood right from the entrance and as we walk in to our meeting place. We started around […]

Mumbai (Powai) SHG – July 7

Rahim and I analyzed our stammering today through multiple interviews of each other. We then watched the videos of these interviews, and listed what we saw – calm/nervous, body language, eye contact, gestures, primary and secondary behaviors. We then picked one behavior to work on, and did some practice making videos. Abhyaas, vairagya ke saath, zaroori […]

BLR SHG meeting (30 June 2019)

Attendees (L to R): Sudhanshu, Anna, Riju, Naveen, Amit, Rakesh. Venue: Cubbon Park, near central library. Time: 10 AM to 1 PM Weather at Cubbon park today was quite pleasant with cool breeze and our regular small hut was occupied. This SHG meet was coordinated by Amit. Initially we began with introduction round where we […]

Hyderabad SHG Meetup Jun-30-2019

Location: Club House 2, Aparna Cyber Commune Nallagandla. We started the meeting around 9:45 AM, in great cool weather with a nice breeze. G.Srinivas, Rajat, Sharat attended the meeting. The following activities were performed: 1. Everyone introduced themselves. 2. G.Srinivas told us about the purpose of our gathering, telling how SHG’s are helpful to us, […]

Bundle of joy

It’s been a month since my daughter was born. I have realised from day one of her birth that my affection for her is very strong, similar to my feelings for my mother.. It seems God plants this affectionate feeling in every parent’s heart, so that they take best possible care of the new-born.. I […]

Communication Workshop With Near & Dear Ones at Ahmedabad , Gujarat – 14th July 2019

Loud Announcement  TISA Communication Workshop With Near & Dear ones Date- 14th July 2019 (Sunday)    [kleo_divider type=”full|long|double|short” double=”yes|no” position=”center|left|right” text=”” class=”” id=””]   The idea of Communication Workshop with Our Near & Dear Ones has been in mind since the inception of Ahmedabad SHG and finally, we are making it happen through collective efforts. It’s a […]

Hyderabad SHG Meeting 16th June 2019

Hyderabad SHG Date: 16th June Location: Club House 1, Aparna Cyber Commune Nallagandla The meeting started at 9:45 am Rajat, Aditya, Sharat and Jagdish attended today’s meeting. The following activities were performed 1. Introductions. The practice was the goal here as everyone already knew one another 🙂 2. Guided meditation using the Headspace app. 3. […]

BLR SHG meeting (16 June 2019)

Attendees: Avinash, Divya, Amit, Akash, Uttam, Annasaheb. Venue: Cubbon Park, near central library. Time: 10 AM to 1 PM This meeting was coordinated by Amit. In the introduction round we briefly introduced ourselves, spoke about our stammering experiences and answered the questions asked by the audience. Next round was impromptu speaking round, in which we […]